February 14, 2012

Orphans feel cold

Many of you know that now in Ukraine is very cold. Many people suffer because of it,many are ill and many homeless people died. Without having found warm place from this awful cold. It is terrible. Simply there are no words. Many people leave the houses in search of warm habitation because of impossibility to live in their cold houses.
When we go to orphanages, the defroster(furnace) in the van doesn't work well because of strong frost in the street. And we in the van very much feel cold while we will reach in an orphanage or come back home.The glasswork has cracked in window of our building of Church.ATMs does not work.Accumulators for cars have bought up all and it is impossible to find it to buy.

And there are a lot of things that cause us inconveniences. But our hearts are break and worries these days about orphans.It`s very heartbreaking and so sadly.It crush and breaks hearts...

Even if they sit in buildings and them don't start up on street. They very much feel cold in buildings. Batteries hardly warm.
 Many orphanages have windows in this condition. That to change windows, it costs very expensively therefore orphans are compelled to freeze and be sick.The price is very high and it`s unreal for orphanages to fix it.We pray hard we can help them in this need.We pray for God`s miracle.

Children wear overclothes inside of buildings because it`s coldly very much.

 Many orphanages(who have it, many do not have) use electric heaters that be warmer inside.

Orphanages close cracks in doorways, windows, everywhere where it is possible that to keep warm.

But most heartbreaking and terrible that orphanages have NOT medicaments!

We have talked with vice-principal of an one orphanage.She let us know that they have NOTHING with medicaments.Oh, it`s awful.Orphanage has more than hundred kids, many of them are sick already.But they do not receive treatment.They sent several kids to hospital.Kids were at hospital several days.But hospital deny to treat these kids because they are from orphanage.Kids still sick came back to orphanage.How it can be? Where is justice? These poor kids, about whom God has commanded to care and love are refused by society.It`s even more that terrible!It`s heartbreaking and awful.It just breaks our hearts...

We have bought a little that there was the most necessary, from a cold, cough, nasal drops, belly-aches, etc to help this orphanage.
Yes, we know that is just drop in sea, as we say (drop in the bucket) for a more than hundred kiddies.But administration of orphanage was VERY happy to receive it!They thanked very much!

We ask you to pray hard for orphans who feel cold these days, who are denied by society and do not receive medical treatment.Please, pray God send warmer weather and we will be able to help orphanages with medicaments.  Thank you very much for your prayers! God bless you!    




  1. So sad, Alla. Yes, I am praying right now for warmer weather.

  2. It just makes me so sad :( I will be praying for warmer weather and clothes, and for medicine!! Is medicine expensive there?

    1. Marianne, thank you for prayers.About medicine.It depends what you buy.Medicaments what you see on picture, we paid for that $37.5

  3. Praying for your ministry and all the people who are being affected by this coldspell. I've been concerned about this, and have already been praying about it. But your blog is the first I've seen to mention it. Thank you for bringing it to the attention of others!

    Elk Grove, CA

    1. It just breaks our hearts seeing children and other people who to feel cold these days.Thank you very much for your concern and prayers.God bless you!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25