October 18, 2011

We appreciate much your love!

Dear sweet and beloved Friends,thank you soooo much for your prayers and encouragements!We appreciate it VERY much!
We would like to let you know, today our dad has gone on the Heaven to His Saviour.
Yes, he asked Jesus to saved Him!We are distress and with broken hearts.We are overwhelmed and crushed.It is so HARD to tell good bye to someone you love...Just tears, pain and broken heart...
But in same time we have peace and calm in our hearts that our dear and beloved father is in the Heaven with Jesus.We still can NOT believe as it happened so fast, just for a few days.He suffered physical VERY much.He was in crisis care centre because of his very bad condition.He had big trouble in his brain, because accident happened with him.It was so HARD to see how he suffered from his a lot of pains in his body.And it is more hard when you understand you can not help him and only beg Jesus to be merciful to him and take away his pains.But God called him to the Heaven.
It is still hard to accept his death.We were shocked to receive this news, as we did not expect it will happen today... But God gives us a peace, because of YOUR prayers.HUGE thank you!

Funeral will be this Thursday.
We would love to thank you for a lot of your prayers and sweet emails, comments and encouragements again.Your blessing e-mails, encouragements etc helps us go ahead and live for Jesus.You are light of Jesus and Church of Christ!
Even in this hard trials of our life we see God`s hand.God has blessed and covered all our needs we needed for medicine our father and now for funeral.Also God blessed us by good doctors and nurses, who cared about him.And we saw God`s love in many little things He has blessed us in this trial.
We would love to hug you ALL that to tell thank you but we are not able.But some day in the Heaven we will do that.

We love you ALL and so THANKFUL to being with us in this hard moments in our life...
P.S.I do not know when I can post again.Because some questions and matters I need to do after this what has happened...We have some good news for you.I will try to post as soon I can.Thank you!We love you ALL!


  1. I'm so thankful that you know your dad is safe in heaven with Jesus. God is good. Peace be with you.

  2. Alla and Oksana,

    I'm so sorry you lost your dad, but so thankful for his salvation. You will continue to be in our prayers this week.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25