October 17, 2011

I need much your prayers...

Dear beloved Friends. With heavy and broken heart I`m typing it.Tears running on my face, I do not have words...Sometimes it heavy to understand.But I need MUCH your prayers.My dad is dying...He is at hospital now in very hard condition.Doctors do not give a chance he will be alive.They do not know yet diagnostics.We need thousands and thousands grivna, we have nothing. Please, please I beg you with broken heart to pray for my father and salvation of his soul.We love him much and it is very heavy to see when you lose someone you love....


  1. I am praying for your dad and you as you face this terrible time. I pray the Lord will meet your dad's deepest needs and will lay His healing hands on your dad. I pray for the salvation of his soul and for your peace. May God pour out His blessings on you and your dad.

  2. Thank you so much, sweet Friend!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25