September 28, 2011

Working Friday

The next day on Friday(last week) some members of team came to an orphanage where we have regular Bible lessons.But this time we did not have meeting as usual. Director of orphanage asked us to help them physically.We thought we will dye something as before. :))) But a lady-cleaner got sick very seriously and she can not work now for a some time.So, sisters helped clean several classes, corridor and stairs there.It was real fun!
It was funny to see shocked faces of kids!They all were scampering and asked "why you clean but not lady cleaner?"It was so funny to see their interested faces and hear it!

Brothers worked very hard at this day.They made a trench that will do enclosure for playground.

                                                 Future enclosure

                                       Some boys has helped our brothers

                                       Some had played and made fun with wheels :)

Brothers worked till dusk and made sandpit for small kids.

Really we enjoyed by this work and glad we could to help a little bit!Blessings!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25