September 27, 2011

Unusual day...

  I`m just exciting to share with you what a blessed day we had last Thursday!I`m so sorry I did not tell about this special day earlier.I was going to post about it every day.But I was much busy.So, finally I can do that and have so many to tell you!
Last Thursday we were able to visit mental institution for girls with several volunteers(former orphans).They are blessing from the Lord! The day was such sunny and beautiful!
So many things has happened during this day.I would love to tell you about all of them.
We had blessings, such happy moments and sorrows and heartaches too. :`(
  In the beginning when we arrived to the mental institution, administration has found they forgot to let us know that girls take shower at this day and it will be heavy for us and probably we will not see all kids.But it was God`s plan!Everything was perfectly well! Until smaller children were taking shower we could to be with older girls.When smaller ones have finished, they came to the place where we had program and we could to be with them too.Everything was perfect and amazing!

Do you know orphans take a shower ones for a week?
Do you know that in one shower room can be about 20 naked girls take shower in one time?
Do you know that caretakers wash them very fast as there are many girls?And they do not play with small children with water because have not time for it.

It is not only in mental institution but in every orphanage.
Do you know that children in mental institution do not brush teeth, that is why they go bad and children lose their teeth. And as result they have problems with stomach and many others.
Do you know orphans have not personal shampoo, soap, toothpaste etc?

At this day we sang a song, has told a very simple Bible story about Daniel in lion den, played games, had puppet show.We had amazing time with children!

Children were excited so much by everything!They loved puppet show, song and enjoyed to play a game so much! There was loud applause for the us. We even did not expect they will be so happy!
I even can not tell you how they were glad, how they excited, how they had run to us that will hug and kiss!WOW!It was amazing time! We were so glad to see them smiling and rejoicing by everything!
Oh, my goodness!There were so many emotions!

                                                       The older group of girls.

                                                             The puppet show

Next pictures are smaller group of kids.

Before the Bible history we told them a little bit about lion and showed a toy lion.It brought a lot of emotions!
We took 2 girls who played acting the king and Daniel.Nadya has told this history.To one of girls we showed how need to bend on knees in prayer (when Daniel has prayed).
She did it perfect!Both girls did excellent job during history!They were so enjoying by doing it!
Here how they were excited of Bible history.Also a blessing was for us that over 8-10 caretakers could to be with us. And do you know what?They were excited also!It was a big privilege and blessing for us to tell them about God.The head Misha preached to them a little bit. After program  they came to us and thanked for everything.It was so sweet!WOW! What an amazing God we serve!

We sing a song with kids. Are not they adorable?

                                                                   The game

Here we gave to them a little stickers. WOW! How they were glad to get it!They were so much interested to see it on their hand.It was fun much to observe on them.

But some girls did not react. :( It seems they did not understand what we did.But we hope they were glad of our time with them.
We gave to children the marshmallow.

They love sweets!

This girl is blind.I even can not imagine what she come through.Oh, poor girl how she suffers and is desperate.It is just makes to break and crush my heart...

Hugs, sweet hugs saying goodbye.

After that we went to the heaviest children that to visit and spend time with them too.
We sang songs using guitar too, had puppet show and have played with them a LOT.We had amazing time with kids!They were so glad to play!

A little one check puppet out.

Director Misha was playing with girls by puppet.They loved it so much!

This little girl is more skinny than from last time, only bones.We are just afraid how long she will be alive, how long she will be suffer...

A short video of our time with children.

It was so hard to leave all these precious kids there.Yes, we had beautiful and amazing time!We just amazed how the Lord has blessed our time!But in same time with heavy hearts we left this place.We left them with their loneliness, hurt, sufferings and tears...
When we finished everything we wanted to do there, we visited a girl at hospital from this same mental institution.
                                                The view of hospital outside


Oh, how she was happy to see us and so many visitors for one time!:) No one has visited her during several weeks until she was there.So, you can imagine how she was happy.
We bought some fruits and gave to her.She was so glad to receive it!

This is one side of observation ward where stayed this sweet girl.There is 7 patients of different ages in this room.

The second side of this room.

She will be 18 years old soon.We hope to bring a present for her a next time.

The next what I`m sharing with you is so sad...
It is usual ukrainian cemetery.The size of grave says about age of a person who died.If big grave, it means adult, if a small one, a child.

Every cemetry has a cross like this one.Or you can see it in the beginning almost of every village.

It seems the new -made grave, because there are a lot of flowers.

This is unusual part of cemetry.Because it is cemetry of mental institution for girls...

And workers of orphanage are making the new grave for a little girl...Yes, in this same day when we arrived to the mental institution the sweet girl "P" has died. :`(

  She had cerebral palsy and big trouble with kidneys.Because of this sickness, came some other sickness with lungs.A poor little girl 10 years old  suffered 8 years with her bad kidneys. The mental institution could do nothing to help her during these 8 years!Because had not finances...At this time she was at hospital.Doctors has done everything they could to help this girl but nothing helped...

Workers of orphanage has told us she had dying kidneys.It is so and so sad.The tears has run down on our faces.We whole team were shocked and upset much to hear it.We know this girl, she was just a sweet and very smart!Oh, it make break and crush my heart...We are upset and sorry about her.It is so heartbreaking to know it when you lost someone, whom you know and love.We believe she is in the heaven with Jesus and does not suffer any more.

Please, pray for these adorable and precious children!Please, pray we can help them!Please, pray we will be able visit them oftener...


  1. What a post. I am in tears after watching the girl on the video hug and kiss you. What a sweet girl. She has not given up, she still wants to give and receive love. Thank you for loving her. Thank you for sharing with us.

    Love and prayers to you all! God Bless You!

  2. Thank you, Sabrina!When we sang with children, I noticed she was sitting and did not do it.I wanted that she has enjoyed by song with movements.I came up to her and showed how to do that(I knew she understands well) but I did not know or she will want to repeat.And only in moment she began to hug and kiss me!WOW! I was surprised and amazed! What a blessing! She is so sweet and adorable girl!

    At this day many children huged and kissed our girls! :) We were so blessed to recieve it from them!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25