June 8, 2011

What a great day!

What a great day we had on Monday!It was our next visiting of orphans!
The weather was sunny and such beautiful in this day!In this orphanage we have regular Bible lessons to girls. But this time we decided to change our usual way and have fellowship with ALL kids of orphanage.

When we come to any orphanage to have fellowship with all kids, usually we prepare special program, where we sing songs about Jesus, praise Him, use puppet show, Bible story, development games, games to remember Bible story or Bible verse etc. We try to do maximum we can that children will remember about Jesus Christ and they will enjoy this time. Each program is different. It depends from children whom there, their ability, place, weather, age of children, opportunity etc.

This time God such has blessed us!Oh my goodness! Really we did not expect it! I still feel like it happened yesterday!The day was such great!!!We still rejoicing by God blessings and thankful to Him for His mercy and such great kindness to us!

Ok.I will let you know what we have done there.When we came there and children saw us, they started to run and  meet us. They were such glad, screamed and jumped because were happy to see us! They huged, have kissed us, in some moments we thought they will tear us up on many pieces. They are so funny and sweet! :-)))

We had about 90 kids there.This day was very warm so we decided to have time outside on fresh air, in shade.

We used our puppet show and also sang a song with movements. They excited by it!

Here we told them a Bible story about Daniel in lion den. In Bible Daniel 6. We have chosen a tall girl who was king Darius and a girl who was played Daniel. They LOVE much to play acts of Bible stories!!!
We have flannel pictures but we thought that children will not see because it is small size.We decided to use something bigger and play act of Bible story.So our lions we have drawn on cardboard from under boxes.

Also we have played a game. We did blow balloons and have placed a small roll piece of paper.There on each piece were written word of Bible verse. Children had to burst a balloon and say what is the word inside.
                              Of course they all wanted to play!
It was such funny to observe how they burst balloons different ways. They so much enjoyed much this game!!!Oh my goodness!

In the end of the game we learned this Bible verse what was written on blackboard. "Fear thou not; for I am with thee...I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee..." Isaiah 41:10
We took not all verse because here mental retarding girls and different special needs.We try to learn Bible verses with them easy and that they will remember it.

 Also we have played a game "Pin the tail on the lion".We printed the lion on printer and Oksana has glued it. So, we can use it many times.

                                         Kids loved this game!

And do you know what? We were able to give them icecream in the end of our meeting! Oh, how they were glad!They so MUCH REJOICED by it!
A girl told us:"Only you give to us icecream.No one else." We are not able bring to them often icecream. Can you imagine how seldom they eat it? We pray God will bless and we will bring to them sweets, icecream etc. each our journey there.
Look at this small girl.Is not she sweet and precious?

Watch a short video how they are glad and enjoy by icecream.

                    Girls saw off the team, go to home.
In the end many hugs and kisses, it is heavy to leave them here. They all time say "will stay and live with us" or "come back soon" or "come oftener" etc.

These children live here all time and they do not have vacations. They do not leave this place to go somewhere. Our dream to do a summer camp here for them during if only 5 days. It would be a great blessing for them! 
Also our dream is will take them to some place to show even any town, to be in McDonald or nice park or zoo. They have never been there! Can you imagine it? 
What a blessing and such gladness would be to orphans to show  animals in zoo what God created!

If they are exciting so much a little candy or icecream! Can you imagine how they will be happy to see elephant or monkey, camels and different birds! Want to cry just to think about it and imagine their so much happy faces to seeing different animals or being in McDonalds!...


  1. AnonymousJune 08, 2011

    This is where my heart is.....

    Jodi Lewandoski

  2. This was a great post. Thank you for sharing the wonderful things you are doing!

  3. What a blessing for your team and the children!

    I love reading how you simply and clearly present the Bible stories so that all the children can understand. That is so important.

    You did a great job on those cardboard lions...beautiful!

  4. AnonymousJune 10, 2011

    How you are touching those little hearts!!!
    Thank you for sharing!



As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25