June 7, 2011

Look what we have!

Great! Great! Great! Many of you praying and God answers on prayers!He LOVES orphans even much more that we do! And He cares about them!
look what we have!God sent to us foam sheets big and small and also paper plates! These all things we can use for crafts with kiddos!
Do these crafts supplies necessary more for us?Of course! We have many kids who enjoy making crafts their hands!They LOVE much make crafts! Thank you! Oh how they will be happy to use it!

And also look at these boxes.Guess what is inside? Hmmm...

Ok.I will let you know our new blessing. We have full boxes of clothes, sandals and toys to children! Oh my goodness what a blessing we have! These all things are soooo beautiful! I can only imagine how children will be happy to receive these toys and clothes! WOW!
Thank you Corrie and Nina who care about orphans! HUGE thank you for God love to them and efforts to help!
God bless you all who support and care about orphans in Ukraine! Thank you to being blessings to those who lonely and abandoned!

"He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor." Proverbs 22:9

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing! I am thanking the Lord with you!!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25