May 14, 2011

Testimony of former orphan

This is the testimony an former orphan who passed through  many troubles and worries in her life before the Lord sent her a loving family.Here she is talking about town Zhitomir where she was growing and orphanage where she was.We are so happy to know she has a family! Praise the Lord for His mercy to this beautiful girl who has the family today where she knows as to being loving and be protected.
All what she says many orphans pass through the same or similar situations.Each orphan has their own story...

We are thinking about orphans who still are in orphanages, who still do not know how to be in family.How to be loving, be understanding, protected etc.We are thinking about orphans who soon will leave orphanages and have to pass through many troubles that to survive.

The half of our BOM team are former orphans(Misha,Oksana, Alla). We know what orphans will pass through that to learn something, we know how they feel, many fears, worries, lonely, homeless, troubles etc.Misha, director of BOM has been in jail twice after orphanage.No one did not help him, no one did not visit him until he was in jail 7 years.After orphanage he needed to learn to survive.He did not know how to do right and what to do right.He did not know about the Lord, Who could to help him, if he would ask Him.No one did not tell him a good word, only humiliation he felt, no one did not teach him how to live, how to find friends and many, many another things.

That is why our BOM team tell and teach orphans about Jesus Christ, Who can save and help in many problems, give piece and comfort in heart.Who can help pass through many trials in their life.

Yesterday we have been in orphanage and we have learned the 3 of 9 graduates do not have a place where to live after orphanage!Can you imagine it? Can you imagine that after few weeks you will be on street alone and homeless?...
Teachers of this orphanage worries about them too.They say: "It would be a great if someone would to help them after graduation!"
Another orphan who graduated a year ago from same orphanage.He was trying to enter to any school or college, no one did not help him.Today he is alcoholic and lives anywhere...He is only 16-17 years old!
A month ago we have learned an one another former orphan who graduated another orphanage what we visit regularly, he got to jail already.It is even a smaller than a year gone after his graduation!
It tears our hearts and blow our minds!It is hearbreaking to hear and know it, especially when you know these kids...Oh my God, please help these kids!It is terrible!

That is why our dream is to have a "home" for graduated orphans, help and teach them, protect from many trials what we passed through.Our desire is to help kids, as much as  we can...

Please, watch this amazing testimony and pray about orphans.Please, please, share and help us to help orphans to have a better life...
Thank you!

Orphan Sunday - Ukraine Transition House from Grace Place on Vimeo.

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25