May 29, 2011

Our shoping for graduates

In this post we would like to tell you more where and how we bought gifts to graduates to make real our Special Project and about our little journey.

God blessed us $525 in this time and we decided to go to another town and buy things we wanted. You may ask why we should to go to another city?

Here is answer. As we had not enough for all kids we needed to save some finances that it will be enough to all graduates. Because in town where we live things we wanted to buy is expensive much.In other city is biggest we call it bazar(market), where everything is very cheap.So, we went to another city to save finances that to help ALL kids.

I will try to describe all things we did in this day.It was really fun!

At 2.00 AM  (at night) we left our city drive to Khmel`nickiy where is one of biggest bazar in Ukraine. It took for us not much time i think, about 4 hours to get there.

What is bazar? It is a place in every big city or town even in some villages of Ukraine.Than bigger city it is bigger bazar. Or sometimes big city has several bazars.  This place is outside not in a building(usually). There you can buy things cheaper than in shops. On bazar you can buy clothes, food, things for house inside and outside, even furniture and cars. But for cars we have autobazar.

Ukrainians(most) loves bazar because you can higgle with seller and buy things cheaper.It depends from a person. But there are all time a lot of people. Sometimes it is hard come through a crowd.

 Also bazar not all time has a roof. In some places is cover very simple from sun, rain and snow. In some places is not cover. In summer it is very hot and people are wet, there no conditioners.In winter and damp weather is cold much and there no heaters. Usually people often are sick.They work there at any weather facilities. It is real heavy work.

If you are interest, here you can see several pictures of bazar.

When we were driving we met uprising of sun. It was so beautiful! 
It is so nice to meet sun uprising when all nature wake up,  everywhere are still quietly only birds begin to warble. I think it is the best time to pray to the lord. When everywhere is quietly and nothing do not divert you. You can meditate and think about the God.How He is amazing, how He is great and mercy, how He created so beautiful nature for His glory and our pleasures. How many miracles He has done in your life and how it is amazing to know Him as personal Saviour, Friend and the Lord! 

Jesus Christ often prayed at night time, when He could to be alone and spoken with His Father. At night and earlier morning is most quiet time and you can meditate and be closer to the Lord.

"My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up." Psalm 5:3

"Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early".Psalm 57:8

This is the name of the city Khmel`nickiy, where we bought gifts to orphans.For foreign people it is hard to pronounce. :) Ukrainian and Russian langues are real heavy to learn it.

Few pictures how is look this city and buildings in Ukraine.

The day was beautiful and sunny!When we arrived to bazar we were not sure yet what it is the best to buy. We were thinking to buy bed`s clothes and towels or kitchen utensils. We have found bed`s clothes is very expensive we had not enough finances.We decided to look for kitchen utensils.

As i told you this is the biggest bazar in Ukraine. You will need several days to walk around and see all places.So we had a map with ourselves where we marked places what we need that to save time. We "knew" places on the map what needed. We knew it will take all day long to find everything.We prayed much and asked the Lord to help us and lead to places we needed.Also we were blessed because not many people were on bazar in this day. It helps much to save time and many other things.We were glad!

We walked and asked about kitchen utensils. We were worried some that we will not have enough time to buy all we needed because bazar worked in this day since 8.00AM to 2.00pm we needed to buy to 81 kids.It is a lot ! All sellers told us they do not have so many!So, we looked for and prayed, looked for it and prayed.

Do you know what?! God answered on our prayers! He did lead us to a place where we could to buy ALL things we looked for and so many, for all 81 kids! Also prices were cheaper than we saw before!Also it was across the road where was our van!It did not need bring far away. Oh my goodness how we were happy! It was real God`s blessing!

Until sisters bought everything, Sasha could to pass out Gospel tracts and told people about Jesus Christ.


It took us several hours to load and buy everything!We should to came back several times, because were many boxes. But we were so happy it was so close to our van!How is God mercy to us!

The baggage of our van was full!Oh how we were blessed we could to buy to ALL kids, found everything in one place and it was close to us!Thank you, Lord!We were so glad and excited! We said all time "Great! Great! Great!"
 So blessed and happy we began to come back to home!!!

Here is several pictures of same town. In Ukraine many things are same, buildings etc.
Some shop

                                       Apartments where people live
                                              Stopping take bus, trolleybus etc.

This is the view behind of cities on the way.God created the Ukraine beautiful country.We really enjoy it and thankful to Him!

When you drive you can meet different animals, dogs, cats, goats, horses and cows on pasture.

                           You can meet individual cows or herd of cows.

                                                Village`s transport with hay

We came back to home in the evening.Yes, we got tired much but next day we were going to visit orphans and present to them gifts.So, after our long day we started to clean kitchen utensils and wrapped them, make gifts, as i said about that before.We are so thankful to the Lord He blessed us and gave a strength to do it!
We love this place of scripture:
 "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Thank you to each one for prayers and being of blessings for us and orphans in Ukraine! We cherish and appreciate it very much!BIG thank you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog for culture and needs for different traditions and travelers. Online Shopping


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25