May 30, 2011

God is sooo good to us!

I was in shock when opened our blog in the morning and saw we have $1.055!  In the beginning i could not believe! I thought something wrong is with my eyes. Oh my goodness! What a blessing we have ! It is amazing! Big HUGE THANK you to some person who donated $500! Really we did not expect some one else will donate, because tomorrow last day.

How is good God to us, how He is great and amazing! Praise the Lord! We are overwhelmed! Do not have words...Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!We are so blessed!


  1. I am thanking God with you today for this awesome blessing!!

  2. AnonymousMay 30, 2011

    All Glory and Honor to Our Father!! His timing is perfect! We continue to pray! We love you all!

  3. WOW~~ That is so amazing!! God is sooo good!!!
    I am still praying for all of you. Its been pretty busy around here, so it has been hard to send messages and emails to you, but just know, that I think about all of you often, and am continuing to pray for you.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25