April 19, 2011

A Great day!

What a great day we had yesterday! That is amazing! We have several blessings in our trip to orphanage!
First of all thank you so much to each person who praying for our ministry! God answers your prayers!Thank you and keep praying!

In this orphanage we have regular Bible lessons to girls with special needs.There are girls age 5-35 years old. Usually we have Bible lesson with elder girls.We all were thinking and praying about younger girls too.They need to know about Jesus Christ too and to know He loves very much and cares about them too etc.

One time we asked the administration of orphanage can we spend time with smaller same as with elder girls?The administration told us no for some time. Probably some later. We had praying and asked God`s will in it.
Do you know what? Yesterday, when we came  to orphanage, the Administration asked us."Can you take smaller girls and spend time with them too?" We were in shock and did not expect it! WOW!"Oh, yes, of course!!!!"-we anwered. :)

Also caretakers wanted to give us only smaller girls who understand something.The children who understand "nothing" caretakers wanted to leave in their class.We said to them, you can give to us all children!We would love to be with them too! The caretakers were surprised because they think, what you can do with child who understand nothing.But each child need a love! Is not right?Jesus Christ died and loves each person on the earth.It does not matter understand you something or no, rich or poor, sick or healthy. Each person want to be loved!

So, we had more than 50 kids in one class!Is not amazing whether? We were so blessed! Yes! It was very heavy physically and noisy somewhat. But we were happy we could to see and spend time with small kids also.Oh, how they were glad and happy! How they were enjoying the time together! It is wonderful!

Next what we have found yesterday. As Bible says in Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."  
An each Christian knows it really works!

We had found in this orphanage were several very BIG troubles until we were sick during 2 weeks.We understood if we would come in this time, something would be happen and Director of orphanage would tell to us : "I`m sorry but you can not come any more to this orphanage. Probably never..."
Do you understand what is mean to orphans?Do you understand what is mean to kids whom no one visit and they are forgotten of this world?..

We have seen the Director and he did let us know the trouble have gone already and we can continue  coming to kids. "Oh, Dear Lord, thank you so much we could not come to this orphanage  during few weeks!"
Now we know all things work for good, even we do not understand but we must to trust to the Lord! He knows what He is doing!

Well let come back to children.So, we had amazing meeting with children! In the beginning of our lesson we prayed and after we congratulated girls with their Birthday.We had 6 girls at this time. How they were glad their gifts(toys) even some of them are more than 18 years old!

                                            Lyuba gives gifts to girls

During our time we had time as usually, have sang song, listen Bible story, playing games and have make craft.
Here is a short video our singing with girls.They love this song with movements.The name of song "How do i get to Heaven".

On these pictures Nadya telling Bible story about bride Rebekah to Isaac.Children really enjoyed playing of acting of this story. It was fun much to them!

                                                          Game with puzzles.
Here we have played a game that to learn a Bible verse."Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." Proverbs 3:5 
In each balloon was hidden a word of the verse.A child has to burst a balloon the way she wants.Than we placed this word on blackboard.
Word by word we gathered all verse.After that we learned the verse.Oh, how they enjoyed this game! We did not expect they will love it so much! Children was glad and it was much noisily in class! We glad when children are glad!
                                                     We learn the Bible verse.

 In the end of meeting children made a craft Bride and Groom.

 Here on picture(on the left) a girl she all time brings her toys with herself. Children say she even sleep with them and carrying everywhere.This girl more than 20 years old.

                                               Here a girl enjoying her Birthday gift

Just a little one sweet.

This moment is hardest most of all when you get their hugs and kisses and you do not want to leave this place because of children... They do not want we go but stay and live with them.It is hard to leave them with their problems, lonely, abandoned...But our hope and comfort only in Jesus Christ.We can not change a world but we can tell about Jesus, Who can change your heart and give you hope and piece!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25