April 16, 2011

Can be whether something better?

Can be whether something  the better than visit of orphans?Can be whether something better than tell to them about Jesus Christ?Can be whether something better than pray together  with them?Can be whether something better when you get strong hugs from them and hear from them how they are happy to see you? Can be whether something better than bring to them hope and gladness?

Bible says:"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." James 1:27 

 "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice."  Philip.4:4

If you do something for the lord with all your heart it brings you peace, gladness and happiness!It does not mean WHAT you DO but if with ALL your heart and for the LORD JESUS.

What a great day we had yesterday!Oh, my goodness! We could to visit orphans again and we had an amazing meeting with them!WOW! We are so sorry can not pass along to you all our feelings, how we are much happy!If you will come here, you will get same expirients, gladness and happiness which we have.You will feel yourselves almost as in the Heaven! :)))

So, we could to visit orphans in an orphanage and had Bible lesson with kids.We had wonderful meeting!

This is the bus which we took to get to orphanage.We had the bus free even seats were there and we could to sit down.Usually the bus is full of people. 
                                           The  inside of the bus.
This bus which we took, usually rides to villages and towns but not to big cities.The K. is small town.
                                    This is autostation in this town.
In this time when we come, children are going to have dinner.When they see us through the windows, they are running to us.We knew it so our camera was ready to make a picture.It is funny much how they run and hug so much strong that you can not breath. :)

These kids were watching through the window.They wanted to be on Bible lesson also.It is so sad and heartbreaking we can not take them.Ah!... :(

What we have done during the meeting? We have played games, listen  Bible story how the Lord led Israel through the Red sea, sang songs and have made a craft.

Before the Bible story Nadya showed an object lesson.We poured a small mound of salt  representing God's people into the middle of the saucer. Then we droped a  small amount of pepper over the mound of salt. The pepper represents harm or evil in the world. Next, she  rubbed a plastic spoon vigorously on the hair to create static electricity. Then, she  placed the spoon over the mound, and the pepper attached itself to the spoon, thus being removed from God's people..

Nadya explained and showed  how we can always trust in our Lord to protect us, even when circumstances seem hopeless. This saucer represents the world, which we all live in.

It may seem impossible to us, but God can do miraculous things. This spoon represents our loving God. Sometimes we are faced with danger and have no clue how to escape. God is always there for us. He can keep us safe no matter what.

Here is the short video.You will not understand the language but you can see their emotions. :) It was funny much when children watched it.They were surprised.They asked: "What is it? What is it?" "Probably  you  have a magical hair?" They never have seen a static electricity.
After object lesson children heard the Bible story.

Here we have played a game children love much. We printed a picture about Moses, Red Sea etc. and made big stickers.Children love much, to look for place where they have to placed a sticker.As all time they wanted to play all games and all children lifted up their hands that to play in this game .
This is the game which we had to learn a Bible verse."The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles." Psalm 34:17

In the beginning we have repeated verse several times.After we placed all the balloons in the center of the class. On balloons were written words of the Bible verse.We showed to children the first word of the verse on the board and then asked them to look for if they can find the word on one of the balloons. When a child had found the right balloon, he stick the balloon to the board.  We kept playing until all the words have been found. After we could to repeat verse again several times.
During the meeting we congratulated these kids with their Birthday what they had.We had not toys in this time. We had found notebooks for boys. They were glad! Do you know what they said when they got this little gift? They said that they will be write there a Bible verses which we learn each time!WOW! We did not expect to hear it!

Here is the short video, Oksana have showing a craft which children had to make.They love very much this craft! They were so excited and glad to make it!

Here several kids are with their crafts.Also children were very glad to get balloons as a present!
We love this place! We did not noticed it until children showed us this place.It is their favorite crafts!
They love all their crafts but these crafts are special to them. :)))

We had amazing and wonderful time with children! We are thankful to the Lord and each one who praying and support this wonderful ministry! Thank you so much to help these kids make their life sunny and happy!


  1. What a wonderful visit! We felt as though we could go right along with you!

    I love the picture of the children running out to meet you. How precious.

    I love your Birthday party idea from your last post too, I'm still checking to see on postage to be able to send a box.

    God Bless you all.

  2. It is great about postage!What a blessing will be for children!Thank you!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25