April 23, 2011

Food from the Heaven

The next day Friday God gave us opportunity to visit same orphanage which we visited on Thursday.But we had meeting with smaller kids.
We were excited much of coming there.But when we came there we have found, some children have gone to Easter holiday.Their parents took them to home.Also a class which had to be on our lesson, caretaker took to some place.

In the beginning we had 15 kids.Some later several kids had to go somewhere.They wanted to stay with us but they could not.So, later we had smaller kids.
 Ah, we were upset a little bit. But Jesus said: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."Matthew 18:20

We had more than three it is already a blessing!Even we had not many kids we had a wonderful time!Oh, how we were blessed and children were glad!We had a lot of nice moments!

In the beginning our Bible lesson, we teach children to pray that each one who wants will pray to the Lord.Not each want to pray, many of them feel shy.But some of kids when start to pray and thank to the Lord everything they want and that you came to see them. Your heart start to melt like candle from fire. You can not hear their prayers apathetically.The tears start to run on your face.
We know it is all the Lord Jesus doing.All glory to Him!

Our birthday kids.God has blessed us a little bit of toys for our kids.We will not be worry about it some time.  Is not it amazing how Lord provide and bless?

At this time we have spoken about food from the Heaven.
 Before the Bible story how the Lord blessed and sent food to the  Israelites in the wilderness, Exodus 16-17:1-7 we asked them. Did you ever see how food rained from the Heaven? Can you imagine if sweet water will rain down? How about If cutlets and bread will fall down from the heaven to the earth?Oh, how they were laughing!
Children observantly listened the Bible story how God sent manna, quails and water to Israelites.How they were unhappy and  grumbled all time.When children  heard the word of food, they said: "yummy-yummy" and showed it on their belly.When they have heard the word grumble, they made angry face.If they heard the word water, they showed how they drank water.

 Bible says manna was tasty "like wafers made with honey." Exodus 16:31We took cookies and put a little bit honey and gave it to children.They were surprised because they never ate honey!They said:" Oh how is tasty!"  You could hear: "It is sooo yummy-yummy!" We were glad kids loved it!

After Bible story we have played several games.
Here children was going to be Israelites, but they are blind. We gave utensil to them and placed the pieces of cotton "manna" around on the floor. They should try to pick up as many cotton as they can and place them in utensils.In the end of game a child saw who could pick up the most pieces of cotton in a certain amount of time. It was so much funny to watch how they picked up "manna". We all laughed a lot!

Next game.Children were going to be Israelites but not the ones who were whining and God was going to send a wind to blow many quails. We did throw balloons up into the air and children needed to catch one balloon.

After that children drew the wings, eyes and beak of bird on to the sides of balloons.
And they played all class with everyone trying to keep the balloon up the longest.Kids enjoyed much of this game!They wanted to play and play and do not stop! 

Next game children have played. They have looked for Bible verse which we have hidden around of the room before our meeting.We printed quails where we wrote a Bible verse.Children had to look for and place the Bible verse in right way.
Here we learn Bible verse.God wants us to be happy with what we have.
 "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1Thessal.5:18

 In the end of our meeting, children have made craft with Bible verse.

                             Our kids with their balloons and crafts
A hugs, kisses, saying goodbye as all time.Are not they sweet?
We had wonderful time with kids and we are so blessed! Thank you to each one who is even a little part of this ministry!

Also we have a next blessing!Soon in all schools and orphanages of Ukraine will be last bell.It is special ceremony in schools.Graduates will leave walls of orphanages and start their independent life...where they will meet many troubles...A blessing is the Director of this orphanage invited us to this ceremony like important guests.He wants that Michail Director of BOM will tell to them last and most of all important words before all orphanage.It is big privilege for us! It will be in 4 weeks and we exciting of it! But in same time we worry.Because we have tradition to give presents to graduates of orphanage.We  would not want to come there with empty hands.We do it each year. Especial we know how many troubles orphans have after they finish. Can you please to help in our Special project any way?..If you can not donate, may be you can spread the word and tell others about these orphans?..It will be your part to help orphans too!Thank you!Blessings to you!
 Please, God help us...

1 comment:

  1. What great work you all do... blessings to you all and have a Happy Easter!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25