March 15, 2011

Seeds of heart

As usually we could to visit orphanage which we visit regularly every Saturday.God blessed and we had a wonderful day with children!
As all time one part of team Sasha and Lyuba could to be with teens.They sang songs about God, Sasha told them about guiltyness.Often we people do something wrong in our lives or in lives other people.After we feel guilty, do not have a piece in heart.Here is just one way, will ask Jesus forgive for a sin and give a piece in heart.Also children played games and had fun time.
                                                    Sasha with teens

In this time other part of team was with younger children.The class was full.We do not have enough chairs to sit.So, sometimes children sit on floor or school-desks.
The topic of lesson was  What seeds of heart we have?Do we have good or bad seeds?

                            Nadya showed to children different kind of seeds.
Children were interested to see kinds of seeds.Some of them never saw seeds of lemon and different fruits.

After that children played a game.And Nadya told to them a Bible story about meeting Joseph and his brothers.Joseph had good seeds in his heart because he forgave his brothers for evil they did for him.Children love this story!
If we have good seeds in our heart.There can will grow up a tree what will bring a good fruits of Spirit for God`s glory.We have to care about our heart to have good seeds.It help to be our heart soft, good,compassionate, sacrificial, care about others, not to be selfish, friendly, forgive everyone who did to you any evil, lovely  etc.
If we do not care about our heart.There will grow up a tree with fruits which will have bad seeds.It makes us unhappy, no piece in heart, no joy, no forgiveness, agressive, revenge etc.
It is so important to care about our heart before the Lord!It helps us to be happy in our life!
                                                 In the end of lesson  children made craft.
We are glad to be with them each time!We are glad to tell them about alive God Who loves them and cares about them!We are glad to do what we can.It is a blessing for us!We have many visions and desires about these orphans.We just pray and ask the Lord to help them.We have a wish to make their life more bright and sunny, more colorful and happy!Maybe some day God will answer our prayers that to help these kids in their needs???...

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  1. What a wonderful lesson! Many adults, myself included, would do well to hear this message again. We all need reminding to guard our hearts! Thank you for sharing, Alla! I love reading about your ministry! :)

    Much love,
    Sherry White

  2. It was just my thinking.I`m glad it helped you some! God bless you! :)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25