March 11, 2011

Bible lesson to abandoned girls

We were able to visit girls in orphanage what we visit regularly.There are 90 girls.We had very and very nice time!We sang few songs, told to them Bible story about Abraham and Lot, played several games and made craft.Usually half of orphanage comes to Bible lesson.It`s about 40-45 children.At this time we had more than 45!Praise the Lord!
Most of them are elder girls.We would like to be with youngest also but we are not able right now.But we have a plan and vision about these orphans too.It is really hard as we have a small team who can visit them regularly.Please, pray about us!

 Here is some photos.
                                                                Our class

The Bible story about Abraham and Lot

Children making craft
Girls enjoy their balloons
                                            The little one whom we could to see
                  Some children were sick.We could to visit them and gave candy.

The girls in this orphanage have Down`s syndrome, oligophrenia and mental retardation.There are girls age 6-35.The half of them speak very bad, have different illness, most of them can not read, do not know numbers.The teachers teach them but the program here is very and very poor.
After they come up age to 35 they transfer to mental institution for adults and live there to the death.A mental institution for adults is worst place for people!People live there like animal! :(
These girls do not have future, they can not study in any college or school, they can not have a family, they do not have hope.Parents who leave children here visit very seldom.So seldom that a child does not want to see their mom or dad.Also some caretakers beat them and maltreat.

 We saw like one employer grasped a girl on her hair and pulled her.She called her not good words and pushed her.It happened just because a girl did not comb her hair.Yes, she is mental sick, it`s must to remind her but  not pull her hair!It is awful! We know the black sides of orphanages about what we can not say here.But when you see it your own eyes.It result you to a shock! These girls are abandoned, unprotected and vulnerable...

The religion can not change your life.Just relationship with alive God, Who is Jesus Christ  can give you hope, future, piece and change your heart forever.  It is a reason why we give Christian literature and witness employers of orphanages and mental institution about Jesus. Just Jesus Christ can change their hearts, make soft, good and give a love to these special children...
Please, pray for these children...

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  1. Thank you so much for what you do. We adopted our daughter with Down syndrome from Ukraine 5 months ago. She now has a Christian family who loves her very much! It breaks my heart to see what life those beautiful children have. I am so thankful that you are sharing the love of Christ with the orphans and the caretakers! I will continue to pray for your ministry.

  2. Marianne!Thank you very much!It is a beautiful you adopted a girl with Down syndrome!Orphans with special needs, orphans with a little mental retardation and even health orphans are most vulnerable children in Ukraine.Thank you for prayers!We appreciate it much!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25