April 20, 2016

We have started!

We are super excited! We finally have started to do a repair in the future Nursery Room!Yay!!!

We are so grateful for your participation!!! God has provided and we have raised 123% of necessary funds! Wow! If you saw before 198% on the blog. It was technically mistake. :) It would be one more amazing blessing if we would raise such sum. lol. But any way we have even some more than we planned! 123%!!! Awesome!!!! Thank you!!!Thank you so much for your generous hearts and kindness! Many thanks for your open hearts to bless little kids and their parents in their great need! Our hearts overjoyed!!! 

 There's a lot of work to be done. But we have started and gradually move forward!

Since the church building partly raw and cold... We made underfloor heating for cold days as you know kids love to crawl on the floor. :) For them, it is just right. We are so happy that the kids will not feel cold and stay warm!

We bought some more stuff, wallpaper on the walls and laminate flooring.We hope before the end of next week or so we will be able to put floors and finish with walls.

It is little hard going to orphanages, being busy with the young adults and plus to do everything with a Nursery Room. Super  busy days. :) But we are so excited and can not wait to see the result! 

We would be so thankful, if you please, pray with us God give us wisdom, strength and blessed in every step of this special project. ;)

I was walking on stores and watching for photo frames for our babies to hang on the wall at Nursery Room. When I saw the price, I was sad a little because it is pricey little. Hmm. So, I was not sure to buy or not? I left this idea thinking maybe to think out something different... Each time I saw the picture frame again, I hesitated buy or not? But recently, when we received a box from Switzerland from a sweet lady, I was amazed to see the photo frame when opened the box! I couldn't believe it was the very same! Wow!  The lady did not know but God knew we need it ;) 

I love how God works through little details!  Isn`t our God amazing? :)


  1. Great news ! I love to know how God takes care of details like photo frames !! ;)

    1. Isn't He amazing God? :) Thanks for stopping by, Nicole!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25