March 31, 2016

Update about little Lisa 2

We all, especially young mother Olga would love to thank you for prayers! Lisa is doing better!

She is still at hospital where she receives a special medical treatment and should stay there few more weeks.

Poor girl :(

 After 2 months finally we know the diagnosis of little Lisa.It is sad that doctors could not find the illnesses so long... But an one doctor did it for a week!

The stomach and intestinal inflammation and also herniation esophagus. This is a big problem for the little girl, because she can not eat a lot of different foods. Frequent pain in the abdomen and stomach. So Olga forced to buy a special meal that Lisa was on a strict diet. Also girl has a serious failure of the immune system.She has broken the autoimmune process.

Lisa looks happy and joyful often. But she has high fever often, pain in stomach, her feet cover by blue spots. She can not sleep at nights, feel sick after meal.

Thanks a lot to those, who generously helped greatly this little girl! We hoped that money will be enough for treatment also. But the money have been spent for many medical tests, treatment, food and so on. They have no money now and Lisa necessary continue the treatment. It seems it would take a very long time... The doctor said that every 6 weeks, Lisa will have to undergo treatment for 3 weeks. And there are 5 courses of treatment. It seems that it will take a year of treatment!Wow!

It seems most of the time little girl should stay in hospital. Instead play with her little sister, with her friends and classmates,  go to school as many kids, enjoy and have a happy childhood, she must to spend many days at hospital in other city. Her little sister miss her very much and her mom and cries every day. Poor kid. The hospital does not have a special games and treats for kids. There no TVset or other amusements for kids. No special food. Only bed and window where you can watch the nature. So, hospital is very boring as many hospitals. 

Olga has to pay around $40 for 3 weeks for a place at hospital. $2.00 for a night because they are not local residents. She has to pay around $200 for few more medical tests. Also funds for medicine. Besides it they need eat every day. Lisa can not eat food at hospital, only some kind. Hospital does not feed mom. She has to buy food for herself.

We kindly ask you. Could you please, help Lisa become healthier and live joyfully with her little sister? Could you please, bless this little girl with your small gift of love $5, 10, 25, 50 or more to continue the treatment? Olga does not has these money because she does not work. No one can help to treat her little girl. Her hope is only Jesus Christ.

We have a PayPal account. If you are interested to help little Lisa. Please, email us  at Thanks.But most of all we ask you to pray for healing of this little girl. God is able and powerful to do it and no need money! 

Thank you in advance for all your love and care! Thank you very much to remember this precious girl in your daily prayers! May God bless you!


  1. Do you have pictures of the spots on her feet? My son has spots, stomach issues and high fever. Not sure.if I could help, but might be able too depending on what the spots look like.

    1. Yes, I do have pictures of the spots on her feet. Where I can send them? Or maybe you can email at Thanks for your concern, Beth!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25