March 2, 2016

One more nest for homeless souls

Some time ago we shared the picture of this young lady on BOM facebook and asked for prayers. The prayer request was very urgent! Yaroslava and her 5 years old daughter ate only once time a day. Because of this little Kristiana is getting sick very often. So, her mom can not work and she had to stay at home. But at same time Yaroslava necessary to work to make money and feed their little family. And one more huge need they had, they were homeless. Yaroslava were at many places and governments also asking for the help. She was denied everywhere. They had only few days and had no place where to go! Can you imagine thoughts and fear of the young mom?She was alone and had no hope.

But happened something incredible in lives of these sweet souls! This little family is not homeless anymore! :) Yay! We were looking all ways possible to help Yaroslava and Kristina. We could find nothing! So, it was only one decision to rent an apartment for them. God blessed miraculously! Because the owner do not mind that family with children live there! This is awesome! We even could witness him about Jesus :) Usually it is very hard to find apartment that owner  would agreed kids live there. We were so excited by kindness of the owner and saw the God`s hand in it! Praise God!

He gave us permit to move furniture and add what we would like.

We really like the apartment is clean! And we plan to add other curtains and more other things to make their nest more comfortable and cozy. ;)

It was sweet surprise for Yaroslava and Kristina. It was exciting to see their surprise and joy. :)

Also they do not eat only once a day! What a great blessing for poor souls!

 Our sister (Yaroslava has accepted Jesus Christ few months ago) is so grateful God! You would see her joy, sparkling eyes and kiss everyone, who bring food for them. Such a blessing to see happy souls! :)

But we have a great need! We rented the apartment with a faith that God will provide funds for this sweet family. :) We simply could not leave them on the street and let them stay homeless... Each month we need to pay $120 for the apartment. So, we kindly ask you for the support of this sweet souls. Would be someone interested to cover needs of the small family, please? Maybe 6 persons can donate $20 each month? Maybe two or one? :) Maybe Church or Bible group? Would be someone interested to devote a small gift of love monthly to stay them safe, cared and loved at the nest? 
You can send donations through PayPal account and leave a note "Housing for Yaroslava and Kristina". Please, email for more info Thanks!

Thank you very much, who prayed about Yaroslava and Kristina! Little girl is getting sick often and her mom has difficulties with job. Your prayers would mean so much for them both!

Many thanks for your support and love! Our thanks never will be enough to thank you all! Thanks a lot, who has provided the housing for the small family for a month and feed them! Praising God and celebrate the blessings in lives of the small family!My love to you!!! ♥

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25