February 12, 2016

Update about little Lisa

Hello everyone!I hope you all have a nice day today and enjoying God`s daily  blessings, His grace and mercy. :)

First. We would like to thank you all for participation of life of little Lisa! Thank you all very much for prayers and thank you to all, who donated small and huge gifts of love! Thanks your surrounded love and tender care God has provided enough for medical tests and treatment for few months! Wow! How awesome!!! God's love is astonish!!! Thank you so very much!!!! We were humbled by grace of our Saviour! Olga was so thankful!

Second. Having money on hands Olga with her daughter went on to Lviv to pass all medical tests at special hospital to find out what is wrong with Lisa. We all had so big hope!

Third. Olga spent 2 weeks in Lviv and doctors still do not what is wrong with little girl! Lisa passed through medical tests at 2 different clinics. How sad. The young mother feels frustrated... :(

Fourth. The small family took a ride to capital of Ukraine to another clinic. They are in Kiev now.

Every day  is different for small girl. One day she feels better. Next day not good. She still has a high fever every day and pains in her small tummy.

On behalf of this sweet family we ask you to keep praying fervently, please! God send a good doctors, who could find out a reason of sickness of precious girl. Also for energy and strength of Olga. Jesus gives her wisdom as mother and peace in heart. 

Thank you! Thank you very much for all your Christian love and care!!! May God bless you abundantly! ♥

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25