February 23, 2016


We feel so blessed! Really. We are so grateful God for all of you! His love is astonish and great! Your many messages how you can donate to Bible Orphan Ministry and how you can help with our issue, makes us feel humbled and surrounded by God`s grace and His mercy. We are so thankful for your efforts to help us! It makes me teary to see how God loves BOM... Thank you thousand times! 
So, we have a very big hope! There is a way. But it is need a time...  It would take us 2-3 months more. It is a long way for us. But it seems Jesus teaches us to be patient and trust Him more ;)  How we will serve, I have no idea but our Heavenly Father knows. :)

A time does not wait and our money is running out. :) We need funds to feed hungry young adults and families with little kids, we need funds go to the orphanages, visit precious souls in Children`s Homes and trade schools. We need money to help orphanages in their needs and needs of the young adults, give money for bus tickets they can come to church, help buy medicine, pay for a visit of doctor, pay rent for apartments and so, so many more...
So, we would be so very grateful for any donation and gift of love!To continue to show wonderful love of God and care for children in many orphanages and the young adults. To share the Gospel and give hope to many sweet souls in Ukraine.This is what God has called us to do but we need your help to reach souls and make a difference in precious lives. :) 

If you willing to show God's care to children and share the gift of love with the young adults. Please, let us know emailing to bibleorphanministry@gmail.com. And we will give more details how you can donate. Thank you! Thank you very much once again pray with us, love us and make a great difference in many precious souls!!! My love to all! ♥

1 comment:

  1. My email is not working right now, but I am glad to learn of this and will be happy to help!

    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25