December 8, 2015

"I'm afraid to find my mother"

"I'm afraid to find my mother..." So words sounded on Ukrainian TV show, Говорить Україна (Says Ukraine), where BOM team has visited few months ago.

"I want to find my mother...". "I wish to find my brothers and sisters... " It sounds often from the mouth of the young people, who graduate from the orphanages. Some found, some no. Also there was a same desire of Lena(who is under BOM support) after when relatives Dasha were found.

One day someone called Lena and asked, if she would like to find her relatives. The young lady of course was delighted! But she was a little puzzled because she did not know anyone except sister Vita, who is under the support of other local Christian organization. Lena and Vita visit each other. Our girl was very scared go to television studio. So, here we are! To support emotionally our precious lady. We have a little bit experience and we know how it is. Ha ha! So after a while BOM staff and Lena were in the studio in anticipation of a surprise.  :)

I'll start in order.
The oldest sister of Lena, Tanya wanted to find her birth mother. She could not find her for some years. So, she asked for the help of TV show.The young lady was scared to find her mother because she did not know the truth and what to expect. Tanya did not know what a wonderful surprise awaited for her. Lena and all her sisters has no idea also. So, they all met each other during a show! Tanya even did not realise she has siblings. So, trying to find mother, she has found her sisters! Can you imagine what tears of joy flowed freely there?It was so emotionally! Oh, my! It was impossible to hold back tears. We are so very happy for Lena! And she learned she has a brother. But staff of television could not find him. Some people say he is in jail life term for murder. Some say he is released. But police and no one knows where he is or he is still alive... Also it was so sad to see how her one more older sister Ira survived... 

In first line from the left to the right, Oksana (BOM staff), Ira, Lena, Tanya, Vita, Alla (BOM staff). Above, Lena`s godmother and Misha(director BOM)

But no one did not expect how everything would turned, when all children have learned their mother is still alive, whom they did not see since of their birth!  All sisters were so sad to find out the truth about their mother who killed several siblings. She has/had 7 or 9 kids. One sister said 13. So, no one knows how many sisblins they have... But it was so very hard to hear like mother killed 2 of her kids.. One kid during a birth and second baby she killed the next day or so. Because the baby cried always... It was very hard to hear how she mock all her kids. Mother left on the street one her baby during a winter time, when it was frost, then she wanted to burn her. Thank God she was saved! Other baby she gave birth in abandoned and destroyed house and left her at hospital. Also she has broken legs and hands for another baby. The 2 houses were burned completely. A godmother of Lena told us much more heartbreaking stories what she could not say on television...There are so and so much to say. 
When mother came forward, she said that she does not know those ladies... She did not want to accept those young beautiful ladies, who dreamed and longed all life to see her and hug her! She ignored them...  Can you imagine how all sisters felt? What a pain of the heart! Everyone on TV show cried... It was so heartbreaking and so sad to see like young women were searching for their birth mother but she ignored them. 

After TV show ended all sisters cried and asked why? Mother continued to ignore and say, I don`t know you... Do you know why? Because of alcohol! 

It was happy and very hard emotional day for all of us... We were so happy for Lena, who found her siblings and Vita, who we know as well. Lena was greatly surprised and thrilled to meet her sisters! This is a wonderful reunion of relatives, who never saw each other. Amazing miracle! But how sad about their mother... We were coming back home with 2 different feelings in hearts. So excited and amazed about miracle in Lena`s life and so heartbreaking and so, so sad about mother...about whom Lena and her siblings knew nothing and never seen her...

During the show I watched and thought about so and so many kids we serve and how many of them suffer because of alcohol... How many of them stay at homes hungry, dirty, naked, crying, with broken hearts, fearful, begging for food on the streets or stay in destroyed and abandoned houses. How many of them survive and abused... How many of them have broken lives. Breaks. My. Heart... Devil destroys families and beloved because of alcohol... 

Fact. Ukraine has about 100.000 orphans. Can you believe?! 90% is social orphans, who have both or one alive parent but they abandoned them... In most cases, because of alcohol...

To watch video on Ukrainian and Russian languages. HERE Our Lena is in black dress. So sorry that no English. :(


  1. So bittersweet a blessing...I am so thankful that Lena and her sisters have found each other, but so saddened by their mother's history and condition. All of them will be in my prayers. Many thanks to BOM, and also to this television program, for facilitating this family reunion, and also for raising awareness among viewers. I hope much good will come of this, not only for Lena and her sisters, but for BOM and others like Lena.

    Blessings to you..

    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Susan! Blessings to you too!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25