July 22, 2015

Project (Proverbs 6:6-8)

Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: 
Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, 
Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest. 

We want to be wise like ant and be ready for winter :) The same truth we teach these precious young people.

We have 3 reasons to start this new project which we called "Proverbs 6:6-8" :)

1) We all want to be ready for the coming winter.

2) Situation in Ukraine is unstable because of the war and unstable economy.
Prices are inflated terribly! And it will continue to go up. Everything became very expensive for 50-100-200% But salary remain the same. Most of orphaned young people get salary around $50 per month. It is very difficult especially young families who have babies. Sometimes they can`t find a job at all and stay hungry often. If young adults survived before, now it became worse...

3) Economists predict default in Ukraine. We had the default in 90 years. It was terrible time. We don`t know or it will happen. Thank God, if not! We pray God be merciful to Ukraine. But we should be ready. 

So, what we are going to do? 

We are going to canning and preserving vegetables and fruits. 

We are going, if God would allow, to pick the raspberries :) 

We are going to buy some vegetables and canned food what can stay for a long time. Such as potatoes, onion, carrot, sunflower oil, rice, sugar, bouquet, flour and so on for the year. 
Also powder and personal care items. We are going to do it for around 20 young people! It is going to be huge project during month or two!

But we need your help :) We start a new fundraising and we need $2,300 what will help around 20 young people not be hungry during the year and save lots of money because prices go up everyday here. 

We kindly asking you. Please, prayerfully consider this request and need. If you feel God leading your heart. Please, donate through Blue Button PitchIn on the right side of the blog. Or you can donate directly through PayPal thebibleorphanministry@gmail.com And please, leave a message "preparing for the winter". This will help us not pay fees. Thanks. Be sure, we will add your amount to the button on the blog. Also you can send donation by check, make check payable to:
Bible Orphan Ministry 404 Greenview Dr. Caledonia MI 49316,  only for those, who in the U.S.

Any your small gift $5.00 can be very helpful! We can buy 2 kilo tomatoes :) You can be part of huge project and your blessing not only can help feed young souls but encourage them God loves and cares of them :)

If you can't donate. Could you please, share this need with your friends, church, family etc? Any your participation is a great blessing for us! Thank you very much! May God bless you!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25