July 2, 2015

Please, meet Diana! :)

Oh, my! Look at this little cutie! Those chubby cheeks are so adorable!  Such a cutie pie! Isn't she? :)Please, meet little Diana!

Stella says, "I am very happy God gave me a daughter".

Mother and daughter feels good.Thank you all so very much for prayers!!!! What a miracle! The sweet family is very thankful to you all :)

But your prayers still needed.
Stella had a cesarean operation. She needs time for recovering of her health. It will be very hard for her physically. So, we make a list who and when can help her in first few weeks or months. Because Vadim works every day and he is not able to help his wife. The money enough only pay for renting of apartment.Also Stella gets some medication after surgery. Any your gift of love to help mother to recover fast, would be greatly appreciated! The family spent lots of money for surgery and even had to borrowed more. BOM supports this sweet family but we still need your help. But the most, we ask you for prayers!Thanks a lot!


  1. AnonymousJuly 03, 2015

    Baby Diana is beautiful, just like her mother! I hope Stella recovers quickly, and am so glad BOM can help her now. I will keep this young family in my prayers.

    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25