April 5, 2015

Gifts for kids

Hello sweet Friends! It is very short blog post. I wish I would tell so much more what the Lord is doing in BOM! :) But I`m sleepy now... It's almost 3.00 am in Ukraine and I need to do so much more :) 

So, last week we could visit an orphanage. We had amazing time with kids and staff! Jesus is so good! 

At the end everyone, about 170 kids received gifts! How awesome!!!

Thank you so very much for sending these beautiful blessings to Ukraine to bless so many sweet souls!

We could not see hungry dogs and fed them also :)

Also we visited little ones. You would see how they were delighted and overjoyed getting gifts!!!

Thank you! Thank you very much to remember, love and care of so many precious children in Ukraine!!!!

1 comment:

As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25