December 5, 2014

Little fishermen

Recently we visited orphans at orphanage and  had such a sweet and lovely time with kiddies! We were not able to visit these precious souls for a while. Because we have been super busy with so so many things to help many others. :)
Oh, my! You would see how all children were happy to see us all! They flew as bees to honey! Lol Hugged, kissed and asked lots of questions. So sweet.

So, we continue travel on Bible with children learning about great heroes and many amazing God's miracles.

This time we talked about fishermen of Jesus. So, children were like small fishermen. We prayed, sang song, telling Bible story about fishermen of Jesus and played games.

One of game we called "Catch a fish" Children had to catch a fish(balloons) with help of a net. Win that one, who catch most of "fish". It was fun as everyone tried to catch as many as possible fishes.

After Bible story we have been learning a place of Scripture (Luke 5:10) "And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men."

Children caught numbered fish in the water, and then the number what they are caught, that number of the word, they placed.

In the end we had a fish craft. I really like this boy's reaction to the craft! :)

Kids really loved and enjoyed it greatly!

They have been so excited they could eat what they made!

We will have the same craft next time, too?they asked :)

 I was surprised children still remember what crafts they made a while ago and they could eat it. Sweet.

Some young adults(supported by BOM)  seeing the craft said. "Oh, it`s so cool! When we will do the same?" Ha ha!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25