November 13, 2014

About Moses to boys

What a sweet and lovely time we had with boys! They are lost, abandoned, neglected and incarceration...But not forgotten by God!We thank God for the opportunity to visit them.

We told about Moses this time. How he was born, how God saved and protected him.

After song with movements we played a game.

The guys competed. Wins the one, who first drink milk from a baby bottle. It was very funny how all the children enthusiastically supported the guys. We did not expect such excitement and delight!

After that we told them story about baby Moses.As always boys were excited to dress up and wear a special outfit.  A. was so proud to play a role of mother holding a baby ;)

Then we played a game "To save baby Moses". Children had to move a basket with doll Moses down the river through the bulrushes by answering questions from the lesson on Baby Moses. It was so fun as they were so excited to move the basket!

Would pray please for caretakers of the orphanage?  God will change their hearts and make soft and loving. They not always wish that small boys come to Bible meeting, even director gave us permit that all boys(who wish) can come. We always have to go and ask them. Please, please... Boys just sitting and watch TV all day long...

A one caretaker did not want to let come this sweet boy and have fun with other children. Explaining that his behaviour was bad last time. Hmm. We do not remember that...Any way Oksana started to plead, 'Please, he will behave well this time. Only let him come and enjoy fellowship etc". Oh, my! You would see how he was happy and was running to join to other kids! He was sooo delighted and impressed take part in games! And he was so quiet as a mouse... Precious boy.

Also we played one more game learning a Bible verse. (Psalm 121:7) "The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul."  

Whoever gets the ball in the bucket had the right to burst the balloon, where inside have been hidden the words of the verse.

Boys especially loved to burst balloons!

Maybe someone has an opportunity send balloons here for a very good price ? :) We kindly ask you... It became very expensive here! We need lots of for many kids, different colors. For example. Simple 1000 balloons cost $67.00 -70.00 here (for today) :(  Exchange rate of $ changes every day here. We do not wish to leave precious souls of this simple joy and excitement but do not wish to waste money...Just let us know, please.

In the end we made a sandwich craft. A small part of sausage was a baby Moses wrapped in a piece of cheese. This all placed was in basket. Then boys ate their small sandwich. :)

They were so excited to do that and then eat!What a joy!

It was such a great blessing deliver these huge boxes with 137 pants for young men and small boys!

Thank you! Thank you so much who made it possible!Many thanks for supporting and sending all blessings! To God be the glory!


  1. I live in Canada, so the prices for balloons should be pretty similar to the U.S. prices. I found 9" balloons, and buying 1000 would cost $59, but shipping to UA would easily cost $20. But I imagine individuals could send smaller amounts for regular small parcel prices.

    1. Hmm. It sounds expensive too...I saw on eBay and different online shops for about $10 for 1000 balloons in U.S. We have to find something... Thanks alot for your efforts to help!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25