April 8, 2014

The baby is at home!

Yesterday was  so emotional and so wonderful day! Because the baby boy, the Kozaks new angel is at home! Yay!

As always we had a small celebration for parents, "Discharge from Hospital". Everything was just great! We congratulated Sasha and Olga with their new baby, a lot of wishes and congratulations as always.

Oh, how I love their both here. Their smiles are priceless!

 And then the woman that led the program, held a fun lottery. Where each pulled a card with writing assignment and a wish for the baby. Sasha pulled the card , which says that he will bathe the baby, and Olya every day to change diapers. :)

  And then all the other guests and friends pulled, what they will do in future. Someone will sing lullabies, someone to buy toys , take to the zoo , etc. Parents also were awarded diploma Parents. :) Altogether it was funny and lots of fun. And most importantly, Sasha and Olya stayed pleased and happy!

 I loved it, when we were asked to be photographed with Ukrainian embroidered rushnyk, where it says "family". Such a nice idea!

Then we were proposed to take pictures of our baby and with different decorations in different images.
Isn`t he precious?

Soooo cute little rabbit!

 But the MOST interesting thing was to see the reaction and getting to know Edick with his younger brother!This darling boy LOVED his little brother!

It was sooooo precious and lovely to watch as he was learning and watched for a toddler. At first he kept looking at him seriously. As if he thought. "Is he my brother that everyone talks about?"Then Edick started pat him on the head! Nobody did not tell him what to do!

So priceless!!!

Here is some pictures and videos. But the most, I LOVE how Edick was patting and kissing his sweet brother. :) We all have been amazed by love of this handsome little man, because no one told him what to do. What a blessing!

Olya says, when she changes diapers baby, Edick starts stroking and kissing him. Today, kissed on the tiny brother`s leg. How sweet! :)

P.S. Parents still can not come up with the name of babe. Any ideas? :)


  1. It's wonderful to see this precious family grow. Edick was so sweet with his new brother.Warm Blessings!

    1. Thank you, BumbleBeeLane!Blessings to you too!
      Yes, Edick is so sweet and so smart kid!He amazes us all always. He is such a wonderful God`s blessing to his parents.

  2. You are incredible ! Wonderful ideas...
    This young couple must feel so touched !

    1. Aww. Thank you, Nicole. :) Yes, Sasha and Olya were so happy!

      Sasha was nervous, since it was the first time (first baby Edik they took from a hospital in another way and did not know where to go), and he did not know what to do and say. We reassured him that he is not the first father and all have the same feelings. :) But all was just great!

  3. ANDRIY I like this name .....this is of a boy who was an orphan and adopted into a wonderful family later taking the American name Andrew :)

    1. Patriciagirl, you would not believe! But today we suggested Sasha called his son Andrey (Andrew). It seems he agreed. But still he can not say definitively his decision. How amusing :)


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25