April 30, 2014

Only 5 days!

Time flies so fast!Wow! We have ONLY 5 days to raise funds to bless graduating orphans by wonderful gifts!!!Time is very short!
God started to bless soooo wonderfully this current project!We purchased 100 Bibles already!Isn`t this amazing blessing?! This is so awesome we can bless teens by this treasure, where they can find answer to all their questions,  comforting, a hope, salvation in Jesus and much more.Praise God!!!

 God blessed by $1,100 to help these young adults in their needs as they leave orphanages with empty hands.It is enough to bless 46 orphans.Thank you, friends!Thank you so much for any your participation!

We kindly, with humble heart ask you. Could you, please, share this CURRENT project showing the love and support to these abandoned souls?Thanks. Also, if you can help, sowing the seed of faith, even a little, $5.00, 10, 25,...we would be so thankful! You can use the PitchIn button "Gifts to Graduates" on the right side of the blog to showing your love and care.Thank you so very much for any your help!May God bless your hearts!

With God all things are possible! :)

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25