January 21, 2014

Update about the Project of Caretakers

The days are windy and snowy now.The real winter came to Ukraine! Even it`s cold, -10C(14F) But we are very excited! Because we had very warm days, without snow for a long time. It was not Ukrainian winter. :) We so much wanted snow! God blessed us so generously!!! Yes, we praise Him for snow and little frost! 
(Job 37:6) "For he saith to the snow, Be thou [on] the earth..." 

I have a wonderful news for you! And I am soooo excited! :)
We had possibility to visit sweet boys in mental institution and blessed them by many diapers, baby food and special formula for those, who has a trouble digestion food. Yay!
Special thanks to those, who faithfully supports these precious souls monthly!

If you would like to be a special blessing to these poor and needy boys by monthly gift $15.00 also. You are welcome! Here is more info. Be blessed!

But the most wonderful and exciting news that we hired caretakers AGAIN! Praise God!!!!

We raised only %50 of sum it was necessary. God blessed us with $3000. He teaches us trust Him more.
So, we hired caretakers only for 6 months, not for a year as we hoped. But it is better than nothing!!! :)

BOM agreed and  signed  a contract with Institution to help with caretakers. Yay!

The same lovely ladies, who worked a year already, will take care and give love to these abandoned treasures.We could see and testify the wonderful work they do.

I love how this boy interacted and played with G. He likes to do it and she helps him.
A small piece of video


Director and all administration greatly thanked that BOM can help in this project. As need is GREAT!

But we know that it would not happened without mercy of the Lord Jesus and your participation!Thanks to little and big donations.Thanks to prayers it happened! We are so and so excited and humbly thank Him and give praise to our Saviour and Father of fatherless. Wonderful! Many thanks for your involvement. Thank you VERY MUCH, dear Friends!!!!! You are awesome and amazing!!!!!!May God bless you and your families abundantly!


  1. This is good news! I have some long-overdue things to send you, but it will have to wait - it was -5F here this morning, with lots of snow, and I cannot get out. Maybe by Friday it won't be so cold!

    Praying for peace to come to Kiev, and justice to come to Ukraine and her people. Such sad news for your beautiful country this morning...

    Stay safe. Thanks for all that you and the other BOM members do for so many.

    Susan in Ky
    Cousin to 2 from U.

    1. Dear Susan, your support and prayers for Ukraine so greatly appreciated!Thank you so much!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25