December 11, 2013

"I go to prepare a place for you"

(John 14:1-2) Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me... I go to prepare a place for you. 
These words Jesus told his disciples that He will prepare a place in heaven for those, who love Him and trust Him.But I would love tell you a little testimony, how Jesus prepared a place for His homeless children, here on the earth.

"For my thoughts [are] not your thoughts, neither [are] your ways my ways, saith the LORD". (Isaiah 55:8) 
This is what God said in His Word. Sometimes our thoughts and plans can not match or not accord with a plan of our Saviour. And as always, God's plan is absolute and perfect! When He does what planned, it leads to delight and surprise. You thank God in prayer for what God did and did NOT do what you planned. Your heart simply rejoices and exults! :)
 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose." 

Do you remember, how wonderfully God blessed with housing our precious Yaroslava?Do you remember that we planned to settle down there one or probably two more girls? Some had very bad situation in families. Well. It was our plans and thoughts...

And several weeks later we had urgent prayer request for Kozak family. Because they had no where to go. They had to vacate the apartment, where they lived and move out. But where? Where to move? Where to go with the child in arms?Olya and Sasha were scared very much.All our attempts and efforts to find them a housing, were unsuccessful. :(

And what, if they will settle in an apartment Yaroslava? There's enough place for all of them. Two rooms. Everyone will have their own room.

So, our plans changed. We decided. We thought to settle  family Kozak with little Ehdick for a week or a few weeks or until we find them housing... But every day we see and believe that this is exactly what the Lord has planned! He knew that they had nowhere to live and He had prepared a place for this sweet family. It reminds me words of Jesus  "I go to prepare a place for you". And He did it!He already prepared a perfect place! Before we learned they should to move out. Wow! Is not amazing our Heavenly Father? I so LOVE what God is doing!!!!!

This is funny, when we looked for a housing for Olechka and Sasha. We called many agencies that help to find housing and no one could not help us! Is there NO house or apartment for rent, where is population over 300.000 in city?But this is what God has done!

So, today in one apartment what Jesus has prepared, live 4 sweet souls and 5th is on the way. :)
Their building

Near is trolleybus stop and grocery store

The room of Sasha, Olga and their little treasure

The room of Yaroslava. And Ehdick loves to be here :)

The bathroom, restroom and corridor

The little kitchen

Also somewhere in April Olga has to give birth to baby boy.Oh!Yes, they will have one more precious boy :) I think probably Yaroslava can help to Olga with children? Hmm.Who knows? That would be sweet. :)

Look, what God has done thanks to your prayer support! We are soooo glad to know and see all these precious young adults safe and are out of street thanks to your love and care.Thank you very much!

Oh! Somewhere in the end of Spring, in some months, we should to find a new housing AGAIN to Sasha, Olga, Ehdick, their little son and Yaroslava. Will you remember them in your prayers God will provide and bless? Honestly, it seems that God tests us also. :) Because it is absolutely not easy...Thank you!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25