July 2, 2013

Pictures of wedding

God is SO and soooooooo good, Friends!I`m so happy to thank you for prayers and tell you a little about wedding!

In the beginning the groom and the bride undersigned for a local Registry Office.

When they left the building, we congratulated them blowing in a soapy bubbles. They liked idea. Sometimes people shower of newlyweds with petals of roses, rice, whom than to be pleasant.  
I very much worried, and what if there will  be a rain? And what if the wind will blow not in that party? But everything turned out fine. On a photo it can't is so visible. Probably is not so successful photo. Because I ran, all solved, made pictures, was generally occupied. But it was so awesome and beautiful! Very much it was pleasant to newlyweds and they were delighted. The surprise means it was successful. And this is most important! :)

Then, there was a beautiful wedding ceremony in church.

After that there was 3 hour walk where friends, relatives, generally everybody, made pictures with the groom and the bride and who with whom wanted.

At the end of day all invited celebrated this lovely celebration at restaurant.

We not only ate, but sang, acted out a ridiculous scenes about marriage and played games. It was very amusing and cheerful.

One of games.Here the bride with flippers standing, had to burst all balloons in which there inside were coins.You can imagine, how it looks to burst balloons by flippers. :))) It was funny very much!

 Then the groom, by means of boxing gloves on hands, has to collect all coins on flippers of the bride. This game is called "financial bubbles". As it wasn't easy to collect to the groom coins, as it isn't easy to earn money what to support a family. It was so much fun!

At the end of wedding, newlyweds cut a wedding cake and treated all.

I`m so and so thankful dear Friends for all your prayers!God blessed this wedding soooooo amazingly!
The bride, groom, friends, relatives, another word, everyone loved the wedding and enjoyed this day very much!

We had so many little blessings during preparation and in wedding day.When we counted it was a lot!
Here are some of them:

  • The bride and groom had some trouble with renting car before the day of their wedding. But God so miraculously blessed to decide this trouble! 
  • Some part of decoration at church, I did for 20 minutes! About 40 minutes before guests had to come. Wow! I could not believe my own eyes! I was thrilled  and thanked God so much! Because I made same part of decoration before the day of wedding about hour and half. Then I had not time to do it, because we practised, prepared other things for this day and after it was very late.I went to sleep at 2.00 AM.
  •  I woke up in 2 hours, at 4.00 AM and absolutely felt very well thanks God. 
  • God blessed me in preparing of the program for wedding.All these weeks we prepared for this special day but I absolutely had not time prepared the program.Can you believe it? I was worry very much! And was ready to scream! What I will do? What I will say to the bride and groom, to guests etc, etc? I understood very well it was so important.I tried to find  a time every day but it was impossible. You will not believe! When I woke up in this beautiful day of wedding at 4.00 AM I prepared program for 2 hours!One more miracle! I believe with all my heart that my awesome Heavenly Father led and blessed. He was near me at this time.Praise God!
  • Many unbelievers came to church for wedding ceremony and could, not only saw but hear, how it should be marriage, relationship between husband and wife etc.
  • Some unbelievers, who did not like Christians, could be on wedding from the beginning and to the end. They were blown away by all things at this day and liked very much. They even took part in wedding party and helped in some things. Christian people who know them, were greatly impressed and could not believe their behaviour. We believe, they changed their thoughts about Christians. :)
  • And one more amazing blessing. We had rainy weeks lately. We prayed and pleaded Jesus Christ make a miracle. We checked the weather every day. At this day all forecasts said there should be rain. But it was not! No any drop! We all were so excited and overjoyed! The weather was amazing!It was not hot and even in second part of day was sunny. We wanted that it was nice weather for pictures. God did it!And rain was next day but not in wedding day! Awesome blessing!

THANK YOU so very much from bottom of our hearts for all your prayers!I believe, God made so many miracles because of your support, dear Friends. :)  It`s so awesome to have such wonderful and sweet friends!You are so amazing blessing!Many, many thanks and hugs to you!


  1. AnonymousJuly 02, 2013

    What a lovely and joyful wedding! Thank you for sharing it with us, and very best wishes to the beautiful bride and handsome groom!

    Susan in Ky
    Cousin to 2 from EE

    1. Thank you, Susan!Thanks a lot for prayers!

  2. Absolutely Beautiful!! Please send our love and congratulations to Lyuba!

    1. Many thanks, Sabrina!Lyuba will be happy to receive congratulations from you! :)

  3. Great photos, Lover her dress very pretty and modest!

    1. Thank you!We all girls love the dress too!
      The bride wanted to rent a dress. But it was very difficult and unreal, because all wedding dresses with open shoulders. We believe that women have to cover everything :) So, she had to sew a dress and it cost $200 for her. Just wonder, how much it would cost in America?

    2. She did such a nice job on her dress! We have the same problem here with immodest wedding dresses everywhere. Lyuba's was so lovely.

    3. Really?Hmm.I thought it is easier to find a Christian wedding dress, as America was Christian country in past or partly is now...Some one told me that is not problem to find a Christian wedding dress.That is interesting.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25