March 21, 2013

Happy World Down Syndrome Day!

Today is special day because all world  celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. For BOM this is special day as well!Here are some reasons.
  • We thank God, He called us to minister to these special orphans.
  • We thank God that He leads us daily and teaches us how to minister to these precious creations. 
  • We praise Him and never ever will forget how the Lord Jesus opened our eyes and widely hearts that to know more about needs of these kids on special Down Syndrome conferencesome years ago.
  • We thank to God he burned our hearts up to change program in ministry some time ago that to serve to these sweet souls, more productive, knowing their needs.
  • We never will forget how we were shocked that kiddies with DS can be educated and can be adopted! :)
  • We remember, how by miraculous way, God used BOM that one little girl with Down Syndrome was  adopted and have wonderful and loving Christian family.
   Today Aleksa is blossom and has a future!
  •  One more precious girl with Down Syndrome is in process of adopting now! Isn`t awesome our Lord Jesus!
  • We began Bible lessons in orphanages, where are orphans with special needs, such as DS and have successful and wonderful  each meeting.
The list can be much longer...We do not know what else our Heavenly Father prepared for us in ministry that to serve and make, if only a little difference in lives of these sweet souls.We have some plans and pray.God knows! We just celebrate today`s day.
Happy World Down syndrome Day!God bless you! :)

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25