February 21, 2013

A small beautiful princesses

Do you see such happy faces? Yes, these precious souls received their Birthday gifts and it made them such awesome happy. :)

From packages you sent, we made these beautiful Birthday gifts and to present to orphaned children. They never celebrate their Birthdays. These special gifts make them so awesome happy! Thank you very much showing your love through sending different items to these sweet kiddies and bring so much pure joy!

If you would like to bless these sweeties and do not know what and where to send.Please, feel free email to bibleorphanministry@gmail.com We will be just happy to help you!

 We had amazing visit of children and so blessed Bible lesson, recently.At the last meeting we told them history about suffering Job and had wonderful time. This time we told them the following beautiful history about the courageous queen Esther. 
When we only arrived, children asked. Will be today sandwiches also as we had before? :) They were upset a little, when heard the answer, no.

But we had simply amazing spent time at this time also!Children and we were so super excited! Probably we even more than kiddies. :)))

That it was more interesting to children listen the story about Esther. We took with ourselves various suits for Bible heroes. Knowing, that girls love different dresses and dream to be princesses (after all they remain ordinary children). :) We took with ourselves different dresses also. And when king Ahasuerus chose to himself the bride among girls. (Esther 2:2-4) Girls were simply delighted  and amazed, that they though for an instant can be as small beautiful princesses and walk in a dress.They so much laughed and were super excited!
It was so and so fun!We did not expect they would react so emotionally playing their roles.

Oh, we are beautiful!We feel ourselves as princesses!

Then the king chose beauty Esther.

 Oh, how Olechka was soooo happy that she was queen!You would see how she was thrilled and overjoyed! :)

Our brave queen entered to the king, risking her life.

Our small heroes and helpers.

Then after animated cartoon  viewing, we played game. Where children had to crown Esther. Who answered correctly a question, had the right to attach a crown.

At the end as always, we made a craft. Children cut out a crown from construction paper and decorated it as wanted. Oh, how they rejoiced especially to jewels. "Wow! Are they real and natural?" :)))

 Small beauty

Our beautiful princesses

Aren`t he cute? :)

A little princes and near them, beautiful small and precious princess.I love her!She is such darling and sweet and so seeking the love.When we only come, she runs at once and hugs all. Very much loves when someone take on hands, hug her are played. She is such comely kid!
We praise God and our hearts sing the glory to Him!

  I will praise [thee], O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works. 
I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High
Psalm 9:1-2(KJV)


  1. What beautiful princesses, and what a handsome king and courtiers!I am so glad BOM was able to bring such happiness to these children, along with the good Bible lessons.

    Thanks for all you do...


  2. Beautiful post Alla! Their faces are precious. We love you!
    The Duffys


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25