January 24, 2013

Some news about current project with windows

We are so glad to announce that we are on a half of way of our current project with windows!We had only week, when Ten For Orphans could to help us.But TFO and Grace Haven Ministries have a desire not to end the windows fundraiser till on January 31st. They plan to continue fundraising until we reach the needed $4,350.Amazing! The time on their site says that our fundraiser will end in a few days, but if the need is not met by the 31st, they will add more time to it. Currently, we still need $2,238.97 to come in, so we are almost 50% there! Praise the Lord!!!

We are so thankful, who took part in this such important project to help in this desperate need.And we are so excited and praise God we have almost half of funds and TFO and GHM have a desire to help until all funds would  reached.

Thank you very much for your generosity hearts and compassion to these poor souls. If you could bless in the safety and warmth of these desperately needy boys who are holding the windows during storms and suffering cold in the winter, it would make a big difference and would be so appreciated!We greatly would be thankful, if you please spread the word about this need but most important pray.Thank you so much!God bless!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25