November 25, 2012

Prayers still needed

Thank you very much for all your prayers!!!So, sadly but I still feel sick.

Last week we went to one city that to get beautiful and amazing blessings for orphans. I will tell about it more in a next blog post. I hope tomorrow, if God allow.
We left at night, though there were two o'clock in the morning, but was warm. And in the afternoon very much became cold harshly. We sisters very much felt cold. I so awfully felt cold that already wanted nothing and couldn't wait, when we will come back home. 
As this trip took us day and night, on the road back, the fever already rose, all body awfully ached and I was ill.
  So, there were several days. Because of the high fever, all body awfully hurt and I could make nothing. Now the temperature isn't present. But still have headaches and awful cough hurts.
I think that I chilled bronchial tubes. When I cough it seems that everything inside is broken off on thousands pieces, seems as burns and very painfully inside.
Also it seems that chilled any of nerves.I`m not sure yet. Several times something inside pressed and I was scant of breath.It was several times, was to pant very much that I already thought to cause ambulance. But thank God everything has gone.Please, keep pray for my health...

I don't want that there were any consequences in my organism. Because I suffer 18 years already because of this awful coughing in each cold climate.It brings troubles to me.But most of all I can not visit our all treasures.Our dear kiddies whom we love dearly.
We would be so thankful if you pray for health of all our team always. Every day health, force and energy are necessary to us.Thanks a lot!

Because of it I couldn't visit orphans in orphanages with team. So sadly. :(

But here I would like to share with you video. As in one of orphanages children said hello to me.Are not they sweet? :)
Children say "Privet" (hello)

So funny and so lovely.I miss them a lot!I do not know how many "hundreds" times I watched this video to see precious faces.

Thank you so very much for all your prayers, support and love!God bless you!!!


  1. Alla, have you been to the doctor?? It sounds as if you might have pneumonia! I am so sorry you have been so sick, and hope you'll be much better soon. Please drink lots of hot tea to help your cough and sore throat, and keep warm and rest! I will try to place your name on my church's prayer list tomorrow.

    Get well soon!

    Susan in Ky
    Cousin to 2 from EE

    1. Oh, my goodness!It is scary. No, I didn't visit the doctor because didn't expect everything so became serious. Yes, I drink a lot of water, hot tea, a syrup for cough etc. and try to keep warm. Thanks a lot for prayers!

  2. I am so sorry to hear you are so sick! We just gathered all the kids and prayed for you. We will continue to pray for complete healing!

    Jamie Ashton

    1. Oh, it`s so lovely knowing even your kids praying for my health.Thank you, Jamie!You are so sweet.

  3. Oh Alla, please see a doctor. It surely does sound serious. I will keep you and the BOM team in my prayers.

    Sending you warm hugs and healing wishes your way.

    1. Thank you for your concern and prayers, dear friend!Yes, I`m going to see a doctor in several days.He is going to go somewhere and I can not see him earlier.Other doctors I do not wish to visit.So, I have to wait.

  4. So sorry to hear you are sick. I do hope you get to feeling better soon.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25