May 1, 2012

Became friends

What great blessing, to know when someone prays for you and for the ministry. What a wonderful blessing to know someone who uplifts their voice in a prayer in unity of spirit about orphans. What huge blessing to know someone who is with you in one spirit and loves the same Jesus, as well as you.What a joy to know someone at whom the same heart in regards to that, what God commands to Christians to do on all earth.What a pure joy to have fellowship with this person!No matter also this person lives near you or in the distance, in other hemisphere of Earth, the Lord gives unity of spirit.
And what if this person(s) wants to see you?A person you never saw, prays for you and wants to see you personally!Isn`t it a blessing?Wow!

So, the Lord blessed us with wonderful fellowship with Ashton's family.Their blog is
We communicated, laughed, spoke about the Lord, about our ministry, had a lunch in small cafe.It was such lovely and unforgettable fellowship!

Also we could show them a little bit the capital of Ukraine.
On picture below are sisters and Jamie.
Brothers, Misha and Tyler.
They both are such sweet and lovely, have such big hearts to orphans.We were so excited to communicate, had fun timewe AND became forever friends! :)

Ashton's family adopt two precious and sweet boys. But right now they have a financial need. Please pray and help, if you can... They really very much appreciate it. Here you can learn more about this need.We know God hears your prayers. Thanks!

But what surprise was for us next day when we learned that one more family would love to meet us! Yay!!!It`s was soooo exciting to know that!So, in several days we met Reeves family! Their website is

We also shared about our ministry, spoke about the Lord, had a lunch and had so much fun time!
As they are Texas family, we learned a little bit about Texas in USA.It`s so funny as it is such big difference between Ukraine and this state. But it is really interesting to learn and know something new.We laughed a lot!

We really enjoyed our spending time with them and had one more wonderful and blessed day, gift from our Heavenly Father.

Sisiters and Tiffany

Brother Misha and Justin

We really enjoyed our spending time with them and had one more wonderful and blessed day, gift from our Heavenly Father.So,we became forever friends!What a joy and blessing from the Lord!
Tiffany and Justin are couple with such pure hearts, such wonderful couple.They also in process of adopting a little cute girl.They would be such thankful for your prayers while they bring her home!Thank you, friends!

We would love to see you all!We love you and cherish your prayers and support!We thank the Lord for each of you. I`m going to tell about one more great day with orphans we had recently. :)


  1. Howdy! We had such a great time of laughter and fellowship with you! Thank you for sharing more about your ministry with us.

    1. Oh, Tiffany, we learned with you what means "howdy" and remember it.Thank YOU to invite us!Oh, yes we had great time of laughter and fellowship too!Praying for you!

  2. We too had such a wonderful time with you!!! Thank you for taking the time to meet with us, it was a wonderful day of fellowship! You are forever in our hearts and we will always remember you in our prayers! May God continue to use your lives to help the orphans, thank you for the sacrificial work you do.

    1. Aww!Thank you, Jamie!You are so sweet!We had a wonderful day of fellowship with you also!Praying for you too and blessings in your adopting journey!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25