April 14, 2012

Wise king

Ok.One more orphanage we were able to visit last week and had regular Bible lesson :) It was such exciting and wonderful meeting!As children wait for us every Saturday, they gathered very quickly and we wonderfully spent time. All of them are so much lovely and sweet!

 In the beginning we congratulated kids with Birthday who already had.Aren`t they precious having of their gifts? I love their lovely smiles!

We sang the song with children. They very much love this song. Especially when sing an undersong. There are such words: "Years of the childhood don't pass without a step,  therefore friends, we will tell to Jesus, yes." When children sing this undersong they very much like to sing loudly here "therefore friends, we will tell to Jesus, YES! It is soooo funny!Aren`t they just cute? :)

This lesson was unusual as we did a craft with children. As we told them story about the wise king Solomon and his affairs. They did a crown. We called it the wisdom crown. It was object lesson before Bible history.

Sharing their love with brother Misha.Boys so much do love when brother Misha helps them with crafts.They were ready to stick Bible verse on his head.Arent` they adorable! :)))

Children very much love a gliter, as it shine. They enjoyed their work!

They loved their crowns sooooo much!So they sat in them during all lesson. It was so lovely. I hope they for a long time will remember history about wise king Solomon.

Throughout history about Solomon both his wisdom and his affairs, Nadya showed visualization. Children especially liked the temple that Solomon built. They were amazed and impressed!!!"Look here! Look here! What is it?Wow!" they cried out.We are so lucky to have this paper temple to show to kids. :)

Also we together with children could add big puzzles. It was game on solidify of their knowledge of history. Who gave the right answer on a question, had the right to attach a puzzle.

This way kids helped Solomon build the temple.

In the end we learned a new song "The wise man built his house". They so loved this song that we sang with them several times!

We had a great time with kiddies.They were excited very much!

Also at this time Sasha and Lyuba had a great time with teens also.They had fun time, sang songs etc.

They have been speaking about forgiveness.It`s such important thing in our lives.Not to have bitterness and offense in our hearts but to have quiet and free heart from a sin.Jesus Christ is greatest example of forgiveness!
They learned this verse:"And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." (Ephesians 4:32)

But we have one more blessing!Here we asked you to help orphans with shoes.Our God is awesome!Isn`t He?We were able to buy new shoes to these sweet boys! That`s awesome blessing!Boys were very happy to receive this gift!
Their shoes was in an awful condition, teens walked the almost barefooted. They wore that what is difficult to call footwear.Now boys have a NEW shoes!
Dear Friends, thank you a lot for your care about orphans and your great love!Thank you make them smiling and bring a joy to their lives!Thank you so much for your prayers!What an awesome God we serve!!!Love to all!

These teen boys more than in a month will leave this orphanage...Do you believe it?Some of them are still stay as children.That is scary some.What wait them in future? Where they will live?Will find they a job or educational school where to study?or they stay on street?
Please, pray for them, God will care about their needs, protect them from evil and a sin.Please, pray God will provide all their needs and take away fear.

We have only 2 weeks to raise fund to help them a little in their need, project-Gifts to Graduates.We still need a lot to raise but time is VERY short. Please, pray and share about this need.Thank you!


  1. Wonderful post. I loved the picture of Misha helping the children and the one of the boys with their new shoes. What a blessing! It breaks my heart to think of those boys having to leave the orphanage.

  2. Thank you!Yes, boys were happy to receive new shoes.They will leave orphanage very soon and it`s heartbreaking we can not help them.We can only pray...


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25