April 2, 2012

New Project- Gifts to Graduates

Well, our beloved Friends. We begin our new project, Gifts to Graduates.

For those who doesn't know.Annually, between 10,000 – 15,000 orphaned children leave orphanages at the age of 15-16 years old. They as baby birds are still not ready to fly, them still it is necessary to feed and look after them. But that is our law. Still not ready to life, they shall spread wings and fly. Where? What direction? To whom? Nobody knows. As a result. Many of them stay simply on the street. Our government has no one program which could help to become on feet to these, still absolutely unprepared children. To trace everyone, who and where, to help as socially and physically or financially. They stay out of an orphanage absolutely one. Without any help, in fear and in horror, suffering abandonment and homelessness. Where to go and what to do???
Life in an orphanage has left them completely unprepared to manage simple tasks of life - or make good choices about relationships, whom to trust, or how to spend their time. No guidance and no accountability.

Statistical data shows that only one of ten Ukrainian orphans becomes a functional member of a society. Others are lost to crime, suicide, unemployment, homelessness, abusing drugs, prostitution and a victim of formation of human trade.These only are few from results.

I will give to you some examples that occurred recently in our ministry.

 Recently, once at night an orphaned girl stayed on the street, was very cold. The majority of you knows how cold there was this winter in Ukraine. Imagine,one on the street, without things, without documents.  took her to my home.When she ate, was noticeable that she didn't eat very long, she simply swallowed of food not the chewed. It was a plaintive and heartbreaking view. We gave her everything that she could eat, be warmed and live some time.She graduated an orphanage a few years ago. The dormitory where she lived before, simply kicked out her on the street.She lives everywhere where she can...

This girl told me about the schoolmates and about their awful life. In total what they worry and how they live, it is simply awful. Simply there are no words. Statistics proves to be true. Alcohol, poorness and poverty, unemployment, prison, the illegitimate given birth children and there is a lot of another...

Next.An one guy few months ago returned from prison. He is very dear and also special to ours hearts. He doesn't know and never saw the father. Somewhere about 6 years ago his mother was killed, she abused alcohol. We did everything that could, but life and circumstances not in our power. The his sister and he stayed orphans. As a result an orphanage, a shelter, escapes etc.As the result, he got to prison. Relatives took away an apartment where he lived before and he stayed simply on the street when came back from prison.

Next story.My sister Oksana met the girlfriend and the schoolmate recently. They didn't see each other many years. She told that when Oksana came back home from an orphanage, her girlfriend very much worried about her and often cried. Because Oksana was her single and the best girlfriend. Shortly her mother took away from the orphanage and very quickly died. As mother was married for the stepfather (not the native father), he again married but on other woman. Eventually girlfriend Oksana was even more unfortunate. Life among these people was simply a nightmare.At the age of 16-17 years she studied in one of educational institutions. She had no clothes, she wore a tatter. She hadn't what to eat, she ate scraps or what will find on the street.She had NO ONE person who could help her though something. She simply aimlessly wandered down the street.She was homeless, is defenseless, lived in fear and horror.

These are only few stories.I can tell MANY similar stories about awful life of these left children...

But for now Dear our Friends, we need your help.We need to raise fund $1820 for one month. We want to bless 80 graduates of orphanages with gifts, by kitchen utensils and a blanket.For each person it`s $22.75.
 We know that it is only a little that can help them after they will leave an orphanage. But we hope with the God`s help to help to these children at least this particle of kindness.

But we haven't enough time! Only a MONTH! All of you know that this year, will be Euro2012 in Ukraine in the summer. There is an instruction that all educational institutions would be closed, that all passed examinations and finished operations till summer. Therefore the Last Bell ceremony at orphanages will be not at the end of the month May, as usual. But in the middle of May. Directors of orphanages let to us know that we would arrive at the beginning of the month of May to graduates with the program. Because then there will be very intense time for them.

Some of you shall remember as unbelievably God blessed our fund-raising, with gifts, all our journeys and how many was joyfulness and the blessed moments.
So, we have only month to raise funds.Time is VERY short!Can we do that?Can we show to these children God`s care and His love?

 If the Lord gives you a wish to donate. Please use chip-in on our blog.Thank you SO much!

We really need your help getting the word out! 

Other ways to help:
  • Please, pray.Pray God will do a miracle to raise all we need to help these kids who stay on street soon.
  • Please, share this information with other your friends, church members, family members, on your job, etc.
  • Please, share this information on social network,on your blogs, by e-mail, everywhere you can.
Every little bit of help is VERY appreciating!Thank you So much sweet friends for any even a little bit your help!May the Lord bless you!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25