March 20, 2012

With your help

 We are very exciting to share with you our blessings we have!We are so exciting to have all of you, to be part of this wonderful ministry, to care about orphans.Did not I tell you? You all are awesome!We are very thankful for your astonished love and great kindness!

 With your help we were able to buy medications to orphans with special needs.And soon we are going to deliver them this blessing.The staff of orphanage asked us to help them in this need, to help medication from flue and help kids who suffer with epilepsy, they get Depakine Chrono.We could only pray and asked the Lord to help orphans.With your help we could do it, to buy 4 boxes and all kinds of medications!Praise the Lord!

With your help we could to visit 3 orphanages for the last several days.And if God`s will we are going to one more this week.I will tell you about our wonderful visits in next posts.

In one of them(yesterday) we were able to help them with school chalk.It`s enough them for whole year.Administration of orphanage was very happy and thankful for your support!

With your help orphans will be continue to get their Birthday gifts!We received recently a package of these nice toys.And it`s in time because we had only several of them. God is awesome, He sends everything just in time!

With your help we are going to buy 6 new pair of shoes to orphans!

 With your help we could to raise $1538.5 to help orphans to get their gifts.Wow!It`s amazing!It`s enough to bless 304 orphans in 3 orphanages!!!We decided to spend little smaller than we hoped that to bless 3 orphanages.
We need $150 more...We have ONLY 2 days.Can we raise some more funds to help in more needs our precious and darling kids?
This Friday we are going to buy everything.So, we have only 2 days.We pray and ask God`s will in it.

If God give you a wish to bless an orphan, please donate using our chip-in or paypal, it`s even better because chip-in takes some fees. :) But anyway any even a little donation can be very helpful!Thank you very much!

To know more about this project, read here.
We are very exciting and can not wait to buy and deliver these gifts to our beloved ones.We can not wait to see their surprise, joy and admiration!

With your help these all blessings kids have and will have very soon! :)
Thank you so VERY much for your wonderful Christian love what melts our hearts and bring so much joy and hope to abandoned kids.Thank you being SO great blessing to them!God bless you!


  1. You're a third of your way to your new goal now :) I gave through paypal gift to avoid fees for you. Do you plan on giving gifts to the children leaving the orphanage this spring like you did last year? (plate, cup, bowl, etc.) I would be interested in giving to for that again.

  2. Wow!That is great!Thank you soooo much for your gift!We are very exciting!

    Yes, we are going to giving gifts to the children leaving orphanages like we did last year.It`s the next our project and we need to begin very quickly because time is very short!We already began to pray for this project but we wait until we finish with this project(gifts).It`s so amazing we did not tell to people yet (only to the Lord) :) but God already answers our prayers!God knows we have VERY short time.Thank you!!!What a blessing!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25