March 12, 2012

Time is running out...

Time is running out for our latest project Gifts to orphans.We hoped that with the God`s help we can raise necessary finances that to bless our precious. It is sad a little we could not do it... But the Lord operates and supervises all. We can make nothing without His will and should only trust Him.He knows what He does.

We pray that the Lord has blessed also we could buy necessary things to orphans, shampoo, toothpaste, socks, undershirts etc. That these small gifts would bring them much joy. We have only a WEEK. Next week we are going to buy all necessary things for money that we have collected thanks to your tender love, kind and care of orphans. We are very grateful for that!!! Our hearts blessed and brought pleasure and happiness when in this project children took participation also. It simply melts your hearts when a small hearts want to bless the orphans too. Is not it a wonderful?

We are very exciting to bring these gifts to children!We are very exciting to see their happy, joyful shining eyes and hear their astonishment and admiration.It`s such a blessing!

We need to raise so much more.Our wish is to bless ALL of kids.It was very heavy decision for us which orphanage to bless.Our hearts are breaking we can not bless other our dear ones.We already made decision with prayers and thoughts.We ask you, please to pray and share this information.If the Lord gives you a wish, please donate using our chip-in or just paypal.Every $1-5-15-25 and more... is very helpful and appreciating.

 Please, share this information with your friends, family, relatives, neighbours, church, prayer group, social network etc.We really need your help!Thank you!
Thank you so much for any your help to bless a orphans in need!May the Lord richly bless you!We love you all!

P.S.If someone  gathers or wishes to send to children from the listed things or items here. Please let to us know. Many thanks!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25