March 25, 2012


 Each time when we visit orphanages, each time it breaks our hearts at the sight of what footwear children wear... It breaks heart and very heartbreaking to look at it... The footwear very much worn out, with holes, with the wiped sole also isn't subject to repair. It is very big problem in each orphanage. One of the greatest problems, it`s footwear to children. Directors of all orphanages very much ask us to help with shoes to children.

 But we can't help to solve this problem. We ask you very much... Please, help to orphaned children! It`s urgent need! Some children wear footwear of the friends because their shoes is already so worn-out that isn't subject to repair. It`s too big or too small size of shoes for their feet.

It`s necessary footwear of all sizes and all types, winter, autumn, summer. Age from 4 years old to the adult, 35 years old. The footwear can be used, but in a good condition. Or we can buy footwear here from 80-100-140 hryvnias($10-12.5-17.5). Depends on that how many we will buy, what type of footwear and for what age.

Children practically have no footwear but wear what they have. They have no replaceable shoes, but only on one pair. Imagine how difficult it is necessary them and as they freeze in feet when their footwear get wet. There is no place to dry or shoes does dry some days. If footwear wet and to wear, it to collapse quicker.

 Imagine, what children feel when they look at someone at whom footwear better than their. Also imagine what they will experience when will receive new shoes or worn, but in the best condition. 

 Children pray, ask the Lord to help with their need and send them necessary footwear. Imagine, how they will be happy, delighted and impressed when the Lord will respond to their prayer... We ask you very much prays for this need.It`s cry of their soul.

  • Please, to share about this need on social networks, blogs, and with your family, neighbors, church members, friends, prayer group, at school, at work, anybody  to help these precious kids in their need.
  • Please, hotly pray God will do a miracle.
  • Please, donate or send shoes...if God gives you a wish.

 Any your step is VERY appreciated!Thank you SO much!May the Lord richly bless you for your great kindness,Christian love and considerate care!Our awesome God can do a miracle!!!


  1. Thank you for sharing this need and for loving the precious children! Where do we send the shoes? Thank you!!

  2. Rebekah, please e-mail to and we let you know all details.Thank you!

  3. I've contacted a couple of places to see if they are willing to donate. I'll let you know if I hear back!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25