March 30, 2012

Our God is awesome!

Yesterday we visited girls in mental institution.We had such blessed time!Children received so many joyful moments and huge blessing! We praise God.I will tell you about this great journey when I will be able.

But here as I promised you. I would love to share with you about huge blessing we have, about our shopping to get gifts to orphans.

I will begin to tell in sequence to you all details of our project.

First I would love to tell you that we serve AWESOME God! Our Lord Jesus is faithful and sooooo good!His gentle and astonish love is majestic and exceeds all human understanding!He is great and amazing God!I`m so happy He is my Saviour and the best Friend!

Thanks to all of you we raised $1787.5. We are very grateful to you! It`s excellent! It`s $5.84 for each child. It`s almost same sum how we wanted to bless kid! For each child of $6. It`s simply remarkable!!! God is good! THANK YOU! :)

Following we needed to solve which orphanages to bless. It wasn't easy. Because we wanted to bless all kids and our hearts broken about each of them. We did not want to deprive someone of this wonderful blessing. As each of them has different needs. Eventually we made the decision which orphanages to bless.

We started to ring in orphanages and to ask how many children, classes(grades), children`s sizes of footwear and clothes of everyone, their age, how many children in each grade, etc. Then all of 306 children divided on older and smaller, boys, girls and teenagers. We needed to decide finally what exactly to us it is necessary to buy. Therefore we needed to count how many and what sizes of footwear and clothes. It was HUGE job! We counted all day, plotted the table that it was easier to us with numbers and the sizes and summed up, what how many. From all these digits our head ached. I am so grateful to the Lord for my dear the best friend and the member of our team, Nadya. I don't like to deal with numbers. Nadya made simply enormous operation!!! She is such great blessing to us!God knows whom put in ministry. :)

Then we went on one of the bazars greatest in Ukraine. And we went to that what is closer to us.Purchase of all things and trip took for us night and day.

As we only arrived on the bazar at 5.00 am(morning) , was still dark. Day was very cold. The wind was penetrating and cold. And at the end of purchases all were chilled, it seemed to the bones.But anyway we were excited to shopping. :)

For those who doesn't know what such is the Ukrainian bazar. We speak that you can buy there everything from a needle to the car. It means that you can buy most of what need a human or buy everything.All kind of clothes and shoes, food, furniture, wedding stuff, toys, everything for fishing, all kinds of carpets, school supplies and many other.There is wholesale and at retail.Prices are very different.So, before you go, you should to know a price where you live that you will not lose a money.What we did.We knew a prices here before our journey. This bazar works both at night and in the day in dependence in what day.

But you never know how many you can spare money, only suppose. Because it is necessary to walk and look for that what is necessary for you at the good price.So, what we and did.
The bazar is huge! Some days are necessary that to bypass all bazar and it is very easy to be lost there. But so we already there not for the first time. We know many places and ways. :)

We walked from a place to another  in search of the good and cheap price for many things that it was necessary to buy. It was not easy as we needed to buy on more than 300 children. We could buy some things 50 or 100. Then it was necessary to look for other places for the same thing. So we walked 9 hours in a row.It seemed that we walked about 50 kilometers already by our feet. At the end of day we very much were tired, thoughts were confused, that was difficult something to think, feet didn't obey. And it is not surprising. Because we didn't sleep all night long as were on the way.
Even brothers were tired. It was the heaviest trip because it was necessary to buy many things and to many children according to their sizes. We so were tired that next day, it was Saturday, we didn't go to an orphanage. We simply were unable.

But I will tell to you that it is worthy of it!!!

We have some blessings. The first, one couple at which we bought socks to children, blessed us with more 6 pairs of socks for children free of charge.So, we can bless more orphans with socks.

Next. Many things we could buy at very cheap price. We even couldn't assume that we can find at such price! We are sure. God led us to these places!

The next huge blessing. We knew that we will spare money but we didn't know how many as it is unreal to suppose. We have decided, if we will have some saved money to buy footwear to children at least couple of tens. We thought that we can spare about $287. But we weren't sure because didn't know the prices on this bazar. Friends, you will not believe! We could buy so many things and spare $1100!!! We spent money and spent and spent.But we saw that still had huge sum.We could not believe but we were excited by this great blessing!Can you believe it! Wow! It`s unbelievable! We never in life even could assume that save a huge sum! Honestly, all of us were shocked! But it was God`s plan.Because we could to buy summer footwear (flip-flops) to all 306 orphans!WOW! It`s incredible!What an awesome God we serve!!!

Also.We could buy about 30 pairs of shoes less than for dollar, 0.93 cent!Fantastic! And about 40 pairs of shoes about $1 for each pair!It`s because the size is bigger.What a blessing!

We bought everything  by wholesaled.That is why so cheap.At retail such footwear costs at least not less than $3.21 .When buy it is a lot, it is the high price.

Here are several pictures of bazar.


Next pictures are those things we have bought to kids.

Footwear, socks and underwear.

Toys, coloring book, notepads, pens to small children

 Soap, hairbrushes, shampoo, deodorant, shower gel.

Hairpins for hair and all stuff for girls.We can only imagine how girls will be happy! :)

 But we didn't buy everything on bazar what was necessary. Because there are a lot of things. We had either to stay there next day or to arrive there the second time. But all of us decided to look for things in other place.

So, for these saved sum $1100 we could to buy those things what are in next pictures.

So here 236 more pairs of shoes for boys and girls.We have found it in other place for a good price also, $1.32 each pair.

Pencils, toothpastes, soap to all age of kids and some clothes to older girls.

Poor Nadya with all lists of children, their sizes, numbers etc. :)

These days sisters pack and prepare gifts for children. The second day they pack only for one orphanage. It is also huge job that not to confuse the sizes of children and to suppose according to the list and nothing to forget.But we all really excited!It`s such a joy, blessing and privilege!I will upload pictures later.

We would love to thank you be involved in this project, Gifts to Orphans.We are grateful for ALL your prayers, donations huge and small, shared the link.We are VERY thankful for each your step to bless orphans in their needs!We praise God for each of you.You show your tenderly care and gorgeous love to those who need help.We are so grateful for your kindness and trust!!!We are so thankful for your Christian love!You are amazing and so wonderful!We love all of you!If I could, I would give my hugs to all of you. :)

And we thank God for each of you, even we do not know you personally and never will see.But God knows each of you, knows your heart and wish.May the Lord richly  bless you, Friends!

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." (Ephesians3:20-21)KJV

P.S.Next week we are going to an orphanage, if God`s will and deliver these wonderful blessings, gifts to our precious kids.We are SO excited!It`s such joy and we are so thrilled!!!


  1. Wow! You did such an awesome job with the blessings the Lord has given! What a big job! Praise the Lord for His wonderful provision for the project.

    1. Yes, we are so exciting and still work to pack gifts.It`s such a blessing!

  2. What a joy filled story. I can sense the love of Christ you all have in each paragraph. All I can say is Praie the Lord!!

    1. Thank you.Praise the Lord!All glory to the Lord Jesus!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25