February 8, 2012

Burned house...

Dear beloved friends, supporters, followers and just guests, with very heavy and broken heart I`m writing this update.First of all I would love to thank you for all your prayers, sweet e-mails with Bible verses, comments.When a day ago I asked you to pray. It`s such BLESSING to see some one with you in this big trial.Your love and prayers brings comforting and consoling.And it throw light in these dark days of our lives.We are in grief and sorrow.It hurts, breaks heart, feelings of hopelessness, eyes full with tears and it`s VERY and very hard.We need VERY much your prayers.
On monday late night I received a horrible calling..."You must come immediately!Your mother is burning"...I was shocked and scared very much.When we came to a place, having seen that 2 fire-engines still haven't extinguished a fire, the house which burned already about an hour.I was crying and beging God to stop the fire.I typing and tears do not stop to run down my face.
It horribly to see and understand you can do nothing...We could not sleep all night.

The next day we have seen the home in this horrible condition...Nothing...Everything is empty...Only smell of smoke and still burns fire in some places.Everything have burned up...It was home of my mom where I lived only first of my 9 years...

Again tears and hurting heart...It squeeze heart.Why God?What are you doing?Why it with me and my lovely and dear sister, who is great helper and servant in ministry to poor orphans.Why God? We have daily problems and now you let that it happened.We had a lot of troubles in our life already.Why God? We are still in grief after death of our dad, who died only several months ago.God, it hurts our hearts, it`s heavy for us.It`s heavier than I can bear... I feel so hopeless and emotionally exhausted...It`s so very hard...

That is not all. Everything only began...and it`s terrible...Dear friends, Christians, Church of Christ, we need your prayers VERY much! After this trouble everything  the consequences of our mother, actions have fallen upon me and my sister Oksana... Disastrous occurrence happened.The situation is more than hard.I and my sister have to pay for that.There is NO guilt of some one in this situation.It is God`s law and human sympathy. The situation is very and very hard.We have only 5 days to decide it.If we will not decide, it will become even very much worse for me and my sister.Situation is very hard and I can not explain it.And it scary me because we live in sinful world...

It influence on our ministry also.Devil does not like what we do for orphans and he is mad and destroys everything.

I believe many of you have worse situations and it hurts you too.You do not see a light in dark tunnel and do not know the end.Every day you pray with tears in eyes...And it`s hurt...When I think about these terrible things, I want Jesus come sooner.

With broken and heavy heart we beg you to pray hard...Please, pray God will protect us from evil and give us wisdom how to decide this trouble.Please, pray God will lead us to people who could help to decide it.Pray God give us strength and cover our needs.It`s cost for us about $5000.What is unreal and terrible for us.It scary.It is very huge money and I have no idea where to find.Please, pray God will decide this situation because it influence on ministry to orphans here.We beg you to pray.We need God`s miracle!Our hope only on God who see and controls everything.Please, pray...
Thank you, VERY much!We appreaciate your prayers VERY much!

I do not know how many "hundred" times I listened this psalm and especially in these hard days.And I so agree with this brother.His words SO much deeply touch my heart.Each time when I listen this gospel song and cry.We have to rejoice and trust Jesus even it`s very hard.Hope this psalm bring you a comfort too and console also...

With Love,
Alla and Oksana

P.S.I`m very sorry if it confuse you.I CAN NOT tell you details of this.It`s too personal.We ask you to pray.Thank you for understanding.

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25