January 3, 2012

New project-Gifts to Orphans

Many of us received special gifts during this season of holidays what celebrate whole world. Many of us were excited and were very happy to receive a gift or even several gifts, special cards and it brought so much joy, warm words or moments from our sweetheart ones, dear friends, family, relatives etc.
So much joy, such much happy and thrilled moments with dear friends and families and so much more and more and more...That it`s wonderful!We have those who love us and do not forget and show their special love to us.That is even more than wonderful!!!

But how about orphans?How about those who did not get their special gift?How about those who did not get special cards with warm and nice words?How about those who do not feel love and feel lonely, forgotten and unloved? How about those who need our love, attention and sweet hugs?How about those who want to see Christ love?How about those who want to feel happy and receive joy too and take their special gift and say thanks to Jesus?

Someone will think and ask probably it `s too late?Well.First. I think for orphans it`s never late to receive a special gift.We even delivered it in the end of February and March before.It was ok and children were VERY happy to get their gifts.Second.We could not begin this project till we finished with school supplies.It took us very long time.We are very happy as we did not hope to help orphans with it.And we thankful to all of you! :)

Now we ask you to help with special gifts to orphans.We have 1055 kids who we would love to bring gifts.We need to raise $6347.Yes, it`s a lot! For each child necessary $6 . So, that is $6330 for all 1055 orphans.And all sum include all paypal fee. It`s biggest our project.I even was afraid to tell you how much we need and ask you to help.

We think to buy to small kids: coloring books, colorful pencils, pens, writing pads (kids love it much), gloves, dolls, toys, small cars, yo-yo, rainbow-toy, puzzles,socks, undershirts. For older kids: shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, candies, socks too.It`s real need, etc.

We think take plastic bag and put there 2-3 things and some candies for each child.I`m sure they will be very happy to receive this gift! Some of you probably can send something that we will not buy. What do you think?Can we do it together?
Please, can you help us in this project?Can you help us to show Christ love?
Your $6 can bring so much joy for an orphan and bless forever!!!Thank you!

Thank you to be involved in this project and bless those who want to feel and see Christ love and  who are waiting for something special.God bless you!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25