January 10, 2012

Fun facts about Down syndrome.

 I searched on the Internet for some information recently which I was necessary and accidentally got on this blog where has found the interesting facts about Down syndrome. I have been surprised and amazed!Wow! I would like to share with you. I hope it will be for you informative and useful too.Blessings! :)

Did you know that?!

  •  That 1 in 5 children with DS play a musical instrument? For children older than ten, that number doubles. One of five children with DS sing in a choir or vocal group, for children older than ten, it is every one in three...
  •  Two out of every three children with DS like to draw and/or paint pictures
  •  Approx. 9 out of every 10 individuals with DS listened to someone read a book more than three times a week between the ages 2-5
  •  Approx. 7 out of 10 children w/ DS use total communication (signs, etc) between the ages of 2-5
  •  Approx. 7 out of 10 kids with DS saw a speech therapist two or more times a week between the ages of 2 and 5
  • Approx. 1 of every 3 children with DS older than ten rides a bike without training wheels
  •  Seven of every ten individuals with DS older than ten participates on an athletic team through Special Olympics
  • Two out of every five individuals with DS participates on an integrated athletic team.
  •  According to their families, 3 out of 5 individuals with DS know how to operate a computer.
  •  One of every three individuals with DS older than ten w/ DS reads the daily newspaper on his or her own
  •  Seven of ten individuals with DS older than 10 read books on their own for personal enjoyment
  •  One of two children with DS go to school in a mainstreamed class.
  •  3 of 5 children with DS participate in school activities that are open to all students.
  •  According to their families, 1 of 5 children with DS talk on the phone with friends more than three times a week. For children older than ten, that number doubles.
  • One of three children with DS write email regularly
  •  Two of three children with DS over age ten have a boyfriend or girlfriend!
  •  Approx. 7 of ten children with DS pray on a regular basis.
  •  According to their families, approx. 7 of 10 individuals with DS imitate characters from a television program or movie
  • Approx. 2 of 3 individuals with DS older than 10 prepare their own breakfast each morning.
  • Three of four individuals with DS older than 10 make their own bed in the morning.
  • One of two individuals with DS (older than 18) work in a non sheltered workplace
  • One of five individuals with DS (18 or older) lives on his or her own 


  1. Hi! I have a son with Down Syndrome. I'm always learning, too! In case you would like some more links, I highly recommend this one:

  2. Thank you so much!It`s very informative.

  3. Hello Anonymous! :)
    I tried to registry on http://community.babycenter.com
    There enquires information in point 2, about baby, who I do not have. :) So, it does not let me to register there without this information.Unfortunately I can not do it... :(


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25