December 7, 2011

Long wonderful day

Do you see such big crowd? We had probably over 160 children and  many caretakers at one hall. Wow! We were so blessed to visit this orphanage!There about 180 orphans! That is a lot!We were so happy to share the Gospel with them and say amazing Bible story about Jonah.We had such blessed and wonderful time during program! Everything was absolutely amazing and perfect!!! We are so thankful to Jesus!

I have so much to tell you!I will try to say everything in series.
We have spent all day long to be busy with this orphanage!Before spending time with orphans and telling them about God we have helped them.We bought everything they needed for school supplies!We were so happy to help them and enjoyed to buy everything.
Director of orphanage were amazed and soooo thankful!She says teachers often go to her and ask everything what they necessary for a lesson.But orphanage has not finances for it.How she can help? There are many kids who have many different problems, needs, etc.And director do everything she can to care about them.

So, anyway we are VERY thankful to those who donated for school supplies and has blessed this orphanage!
We are thankful to you that you shared with these kids love of Jesus Christ and his care about orphan`s needs.We are grateful much!

As this orphanage has children with special needs.Teachers were so happy to receive these gifts, supplies what they can use to teach children, develop them, open their talents etc.We bought not everything they needed because we could not find and shops do not have so many supplies.It is necessary to order.So, we bought what we could find and most of it.

We bought liquid glue, furniture lacquer,tool equipment for work with wood, metally meccano for little kids,and different tools which I do not know and do not remember names. :) Also gimps and 10 meters of cross-stitch canvas for girls.I think it is enough for whole year!These things only for lesson labor training.

And also we bought 4 big sheets of plywood.But they are such big size so we could not place it to transport but not ours. :) So,we have paid for it, left bill to administration of orphanage.They necessary only find a transport that will deliver plywood to orphanage.
So, sorry do not have picture.We did not know that it will be such big size.And we thought make picture at orphanage when we will buy everything.
 We bought plywood that children under the guidance of  teachers will make games for children, for their development.It can be  lace up games and many others.We have these games for development of children  but they are very expensive.So, decision of director was to make that to save some finances and children can learn to work with wood, as their program demand of it.I think that is very good idea!

Here is example of games what children can do.That is not exactly as these but similar to them.
What do you think?I think that is superbly! That is only example.

By the way we would love to ask you.Probably some one of you have games or colorful book with animals, cars, buildings etc. those what you do not need? Even it will be on foreign language that is ok.Children can learn by pictures. Please, can you send to orphans here what will help them in their education and development?I`m sure caretakers and teachers would appreciate it very much because they often have nothing.Thank you!

Finally when we bought what we could, as I said above almost everything, we could have Bible time with children.The time there was absolutely amazing!We received so much emotions, applause, smiles, hugs, kisses and much more!Kids were amazed by everything! Even caregivers came up to us and thanked. Oh, it was so sweet! We are so blessed that we could to share the Gospel with so many folks in one time! What a blessing!

In the beginning of meeting pastor Misha could to read  the Bible and shared the Gospel as on picture little above.After that we could to have our program for children.

Nadya was telling the Bible story

The whale "swallowed" our Jonah. The little boy played in story very well.Everyone sitting in hall liked it much.

Next were games.The first game was already beloved by many kids in orphanages during our travelings, to catch fish in water.As you remember we learn Bible verse with kids by this way about obedience.

As every time a lot of those wishing to play!
We even had a girl who began to cry because she did not play at this game when we finished.Well, children are so many and sometimes you can see all of them at one time. So, that she stop to cry we took her behind of our puppet stage and several fishes placed to our bowl. She hooked a one.Really, I do not know was it good but she was so happy! :)

Song about Jonah with kids.

And in the end our team could to sing a Gospel song for staff of orphanages and teens as well.

Chocolate candies to orphans

Sweet hugs

Next picture where the team is giving candies to kiddies.These precious ones were not at hall when we had program because they had nap.Until we finished with everything, we wanted to find them and give candies too.Everywhere was very dark, no light, only pitch darkness outside. It was so funny when we have found them in darkness by their voices when they were singing. :) Oh, how they were happy to recieve candies!

By the way we could to visit more little angels who are sooo sweet and we adore them!They are age 3-8 year old.They could to receive candies too.

And we could to play with them a little.Ah, they all are so cute and precious! Just want to hug all of them!

Look at this sweet small one how she is happy!This girl has Apert syndrome.She has a high-arched palate what brings her trouble to chew.Also she has not all fingers or they are webbed. Same she has webbed toes on her feet...But she is very communicative!

Look at this cute boy! Is not he sweet? He is 4 years old and still does not speak...Mom left him when gave birth and he arrived to this orphanage from baby home several months ago.
Poor small boy...He needs mom and dad who will love him and maybe after he will be in loving family, he will begin to speak.
That is why he huged and kissed pastor Misha.Oh, that it was so sweet and you want to weep over when you see it.We whole team were amazed to see it!

We believe in miracles!We know one little girl who did not speak for a long time even she was 4 years old.We prayed for a long time and she began to speak!What a miracle! All staff of orphanage was surprised because they did not believe she will speak when ever!

Do you see these next sweet angels?Are not they just cute these 2 small girls?
We have prayer request and plea to help small Alyona, who is with white long hair on right side.This little precious kid was 6 times sick of pneumonia during this year.That is terrible!!! I do not know how she is still alive, only by mercy of our Lord Jesus.
We ask you to pray for her that God will keep her in His arms and give her well health.

Also we PLEAD you to help with good medicine for little kids.Please, can someone send some medicine what will help children have a good health and protect them from different sicknesses?Please, please, we beg you!Director of orphanage do everything she can, but as very often happen,there are not enough finances...

Next small angel about whom we ask you to pray much also.This small sweet girl has a problem with appetite.I`m not sure but probably her name is Vika.The problem is that she does not eat because does not want.She was at hospital diagnosed by doctors.They have found nothing what bring a trouble for her to eat.They say, she is healthy.But why she does not eat?Can some one tell me?
We have found her mom is sick by schizophrenia and her father drinks.I think the reason why she does not eat because she feels herself unwanted and unloved...
Yes, she is only 4 years old, she does not understand many things but as every child she feels that she is beloved and she needs someone.She needs a family who will love and care about her...

Orphanage has not finances to care and medicate this small girl.The staff of orphanage has told us horrible situations when this small one scared them, when she ate nothing during 3 days.It happens often.They thought she will die.She eat sometimes piece of cookies or something like that.But as every one understands what will happen if you will be eat just cookies or little bit same food???

As orphanage has not finances, the staff donate when they can and buy some medicine to help this small angel.But it is enough only for a week.We had little bit money and gave to caretaker to buy this medicine that save her life.
We plead you...Please, can you help this small girl to help have a good appetite, send some medicine or donate, that we can buy here.Whatever you will think it will be the best for her.One pack cost only $9, it is enough for a week.

Tomorrow we are going to visit these small precious ones again.We would be very happy if someone will donate if only little bit to help small girl.You can donate $1-5-10-15-25 and more...Each $ is appreciate!Please, can you help her?Thank you!

We would be very thankful if you will pray for our tomorrow visit and next several days too.We need very much your prayers!Thank you!

In next post I will tell you about our visit to orphanage of girls with special needs.I`m going to do it today.Hope I will able to do it. :)

P.S.Oh, I almost forgot!We could to bring a huge bag of clothes to these small kids!Praise the Lord!

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25