November 21, 2011

Visit of boys with special needs.

I`m so exciting to share with you how God has blessed us by visit of boys with special needs!I`m so happy how is good God and what an amazing time we had!Everything was absolutely wonderful and amazing!!!We praise and glorify God!And we praise God that staff of orphanage could to hear the Gospel too!Isn`t amazing possibility and blessing?

Here is short video our puppet show for smallest ones cuties.

Nadya told Bible story about Jonah.Children were amazed and surprised when a whale opened his mouth and "has swallowed" our Jonah. :)

A little boy Vova played Jonah.He was so excited to be him! And he did perfect job! The staff of orphanage were smiling and were impressed by that! There was such nice Spirit and we were thrilled and praised God!

Next pictures is where we learned with boys a song about Jonah, with gestures.

 Here we played a game.Boys were rejoiced to pass on toy, whale, while music played.And they answered to questions about Bible story about Jonah.Older boys helped smaller ones.

But most of all they loved a game, to catch fish. wow!They were so impressed and very much excited!They smiled and their eyes were shining.They were so much impressed!!! It is soooo amazing blessing to see happy orphans!
It is so sad we do not have much time that more boys could to play too.But we happy they can hear, see and rejoicing to be with us as well.

Look, how Andrew is happy!

Isn`t cute this boy?
This way we played and learned Bible verse at one time.

Here is a boy on video, how he flew to play game and  nearly  fallen.It was because he wanted to play very much!Poor boy. :) So funny! But look how he was happy when he hooked of turtle!He smiles all time. Isn`t he sweet?

And next blessing is that we have presented school supplies to this orphanage. wow! The administration of orphanage were so thankful much!It is enough to the end of their educating year, to the end of next Spring.
The staff were surprised to see these supplies and so thankful to you!

Dear beloved friends, sweet sponsors and faithful followers of blog, we would love to thank you to bless this orphanage, who had need with these school supplies. Thank you to bless, to give love and care to these precious children! Thank you to being blessing to them! May the Lord richly bless you!!!

 "He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again."
Proverbs 19:17 (KJV)

   Last week we also could to visit boys in mental institution.Soon I`m going to tell you more about our visit.Blessings! :)


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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25