September 19, 2011

God has made better than we thought

I`m rejoicing to share with you a blessing we have!How is wonderful and good our Lord Jesus!God makes better when a human thinks something!And all things works together for good!

I love much this Bible verse! "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
It`s a favourite one of mine.When i have heavy moments in my life, i read this verse many times, pray and meditate.It brings a peace in heart and helps go ahead and live for Jesus. :)

As i have told you before we visited 3 orphanages last few days.
Here i would like to tell you about our visit to an orphanage on Thursday, where are girls with special needs.
We were going to have 2 groups, with smaller kids and older .We worried much about that.How it will work out?Will we have enough strengths?
Nadya, Lyuba and Misha(head of BOM) were going to be with older girls.Me and Oksana were going to be with smallest ones.We worried much about older girls, because the 3 person for big group where usually 40-45 girls with special needs, it is very heavy physically.
For some reason(not so good) what has happened in the morning, we arrived to an orphanage an one hour later than we come there usually.As we had not much time to be with girls.The administration of orphanage let us have a time with smallest before dinner.Because after dinner they have a nap.
And after dinner we can have a Bible class with older girls, even they have nap after dinner too.
So we whole team, had a time with smallest ones before dinner and we all could to be with older girls after dinner! It was not need to divide our team, as we thought before.It was amazing time!

We did not get tired, it was not heavy for girls and for us too!We are so thankful to the Lord, He has made better than we thought!And we thankful to the Lord what has happened not good in the morning!God let it happened that will make better!We are thankful to the Lord, the administration of orphanage let us do it.The time with all children was blessed!

We have told a history to smallest ones about creation of God last time.This time we have told them history about first sin in garden of Eden.
We sang a song, have played a game and have made a craft with children during a meeting with them.

We have hundreds of pictures for these few days.I will share with you some of them.:)))

Bible history

A game
We have repeated a last history with children about days of creation.

They should to show a picture(day of creation) they have chosen and will say what see on picture etc.

After that they place the picture on big sheet.There is a sticky scotch what helps to hold pictures.They loved much this game!

Also we have placed a small stickers on their hands.Oh, how they they excited by that!They showed their hands to caretakers and to us.They had jumped and laughed because of that! Think about it.A little sticker makes happy an orphan!

We have made a craft, apple with Bible verse in the end of meeting. We have used a foam sheets and wiggle eyes for it.
Children much loved to work with this material! They so much excited by doing it!Thanks so much to those who has helped us with foam sheets and wiggle eyes!It is big blessing to children!

                                                         A sweet small one.

Is not she a cute?

I love this one picture.When smallest one check it out, what is that.

We were blessed by teachers who were on meeting and helped us with crafts.They liked it much too.As this orphanage has only several books and no has visualisation, teachers has told us.That is good we have made these crafts, they can use it on their lessons like visualisation for children, teach them math etc.We glad if it will help a little bit.

It is so sad teachers have not books to teach children with special needs.How they can learn, how they can develop, how they can do something if they have not books?
That is why we placed a chipin button again.We do not know how many time it will take...The finances we need now, because children already are at school and orphanages have troubles with many school supplies. We plead Jesus and ask Him to help with this project School Supplies.
Please, will you help to bless orphans with school supplies they need?Please, use the chip-in button on our blog.Thank you!

Just in 30 minutes we came in to another class, there we were going to have a Bible class with older girls.We had perfect time with girls too!
We have told to them a Bible history about Joseph and his brothers.Also we repeated a song we learned last time with them, have played a games and made a craft.

Here after Bible story we have played a game to learn a Bible verse.
The whole class we divided by several groups.They needed to color by paint this "Joseph" who has a hidden verse, which was written white crayon on white sheet.You can not see it good.When they color it, they can read and learn this verse.The team win who will do it first.They liked to color it much!

This sweet girl has not fingers or some of them look like "fingers".
But she stitches, colors and can does some easy work perfect by these hands!

The end of the game.

We presented a bear to this girl.
She was so happy to get it! She had carried it, stroked us by this toy, has pressed it to herself.She did not leave the bear not one minute somewhere.
  It was her first big toy ever!Thank you to those who bless orphans by toys!

Here we made craft with girls.
Girls needed to put "clothes" on Joseph.They enjoyed to do this craft.

 Many of them were need help.

 This is how it should look.Girls liked to do this craft!

Next several pictures are life of these girls in this orphanage.

This is their bedroom, where sleep 4-10 girls in one room.There is nothing except beds.

This is the place where they wash clothes, clean teeth etc.This place is for over 50 girls. Can you imagine what a mess when they need clean or wash something in one time?

Here they wash their clothes.They do not have a washing machine.

Place where clothes dry.

Orphanage has dogs and cats.When clothes dry, dogs pull down clothes.Children do not have clothes pins in orphanages.So, after that it look like that.It seems that girls wash clothes often.Dogs and cats are everywhere in Ukraine. :)

When we were going come back to home, girls told us goodbye.They all looked over windows and had waved their hands.It was just awesome!And in same time heartbreaking to leave them here...
Girls all time wait for us.When we come, they all time say, we miss you much.Please, come oftener.They begin to hug and kiss us...It is so sweet.But so, so sad no one visit them...

Thank you so much for your love to these children,prayers, support and care!God bless you!


  1. My heart is so torn. It's wonderful to see all their beautiful smiling faces, but so sad to know the conditions they live in and their future. I really hope to get back to Ukraine one day and help in any way I can. The little girl with Down syndrome is adorable! Also, the girl without fingers I believe has Apert Syndrome.

  2. Ah, thank you Marianne!And thank you letting us to know about this disease Apert Syndrome.We do not know much about it.It seems we need to learn about that to know how to help this girl.


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25