September 23, 2011

Crossing through Red sea

Crossing through Red sea it was a topic of our Bible lesson with kids at this orphanage last Saturday.

We did not see each other all summer because children had holidays.When we came to the orphanage and they saw us, of course they all began to run to us. :) They were so happy to see us! We were happy not smaller than they.It was sweet meeting. They all have grown up so much!Some of them have changed physically much also!

I will not say a lot here, because have not much time.As yesterday we have been in mental institution for girls and today we were in an orphanage too.Also tomorrow we are going to a next one.I would like to say about last two visits also but in next posts. And I need soooo much time! :)
As many children had birthdays during summer, we congratulated them.Oh, how they were happy much! It was funny, when we had not come into a class yet.Many of them have told us that they had Birthdays in summer and inquired, will we give gifts to them? When we say, yes. They said: WOW!and were excited by that soooo much!

Here kids, who had birthdays
During meeting we sang a song with kids.

Here we had object lesson before Bible history.
We gave to children to try taste of salt and pepper.Oh my goodness, they all wanted to taste it! Really, it was so funny and  seems they have never eaten salt and pepper! :) And they excited by that!

After that we showed to them the object lesson.The paper plate is the world where we live, salt is christians and pepper is our sorrows, diseases, fear, sins etc. the plastic spoon demonstrates of Jesus Christ. When you take spoon and rub against your hair about a minute, it makes magnetically the spoon.Other word it makes statistical.
Than when you keep spoon above salt and pepper, the pepper will stick to spoon.

It is real fun!Children could not believe in it and thought it is a miracle!WOW!They asked many times to demonstrate it again and again! :)
I think it is good visual demonstration to show to kids, how Jesus Christ has taken our sins, fears, sorrows etc. on himself.

Here we played a game, answered to questions about Bible story and have learned Bible verse.

As children love balloons.They LOVED so much to play this game! They all wanted to play!!!

                                             We have learned the Bible verse.

                                                   Happy kids with their gifts.

In the end we have made a craft. Israel crossing through Red sea.Kids LOVED much this craft and enjoyed to make it!

                                                    Boys are enjoying of their crafts.

At this time when we had meeting with small children, Sasha had meeting with older ones.
They had Bible time, sang Gospel songs and had just fun time.

We are glad a lot of the beginning this educational year, we can see these sweet kids again and tell them about God`s love and His justice. We are happy God bless and we can continue to visit them as before.We are glad much for the opportunity to tell Gospel to orphans.We are happy much bring a hope, joy and love to these precious and darling kids.We are glad much by grace of God to us.
Blessings! :)

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As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25