July 29, 2011

We did it!

Yes! We did it! We are so rejoicing of this God`s blessing!
We bought paint for orphanage. We bought different colors of paint they needed and paint for a floor. But paint for floor was not in warehouse(where we bought paint). I think probably now is summer and everyone make repair. :) Any way we have paid for that and employers of orphanage will go to warehouse next week  and will take all paint to orphanage, we paid for. Administration of orphanage have a bill of paid paint. It is in twice more paint for floor, big jars than on picture.It is a lot!

Administration of orphanage was rejoicing of that much. Do you know what they told us? They said: "You came and bought just in time! Slava Bogoo!"--Praise the Lord! They need to be ready in two weeks for special inspection.We were glad to hear it how God is doing everything in time and unbelievers praised the Lord for that!

Also God has blessed and yesterday was wonderful weather!Praise God!Thank you for prayers!  We could to did dye different installations of playground.
Until we worked there kids were curious much. They asked what  we are doing and many different questions. They showed us a song with movements we learned with them before. It was so sweet! Also we bought and gave to them different sweets. Ah, they are so cute and sweet!

There are many installations, we worked all day long.We tired very much and came back to our homes only after 10.30 pm.It was hard working day but blessed. We are so happy and blessed could to help orphanage! Did we dye all? No.There are still a lot of work!

We hope, if God`s will we will come back to orphanage to dye some more installations or building inside. We are not sure yet, because we have schedule for a month for other orphanages.We would like come back to help again and administration requested us.So, we will pray and see where God wants us.Where we most needed.

Dear friends, readers, followers, supporters, we all team BOM would like to thank you so much for your faithful prayers and donations to help this orphanage! It is real blessing! We could not be to help orphanage without your help!Thank you very much to being blessing to this orphanage!

Administration of orphanage not expected it, they were surprised and glad of that we were able to help! The playground looks much better than before! Other constructions inside of the orphanage where workers did dye too, we did not do pictures.We are so sorry. We worked all time until it became dark and every worker has gone to home.Everything was closed.

Dear Friends, thank you so much to open your hearts to help in this need and being of hands of Jesus Christ to orphans.Thank you so much for your kindness, love and care about orphans!You all are real blessing to orphans in Ukraine!

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing the paint and all of your hard work is to the orphanage, and what a wonderful testimony of Christ's love to the administration and staff!


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25